Friday, July 29, 2011

Burning hand or Acid arrow? Deep summery plus icicle's use

Burning hand and Acid arrow are both wizard's skill, both add element hit  and can stack.
but burning hand can hit cross, acid arrow can only hit single target.
lets list whats good and bad

Burning hand:
1. Cross hit
2. Add element hit
3. Can stack twice or third element hit effect.
4. low mp require
5. burning effect good for low level
1. It can ONLY stack twice(three when lv21) compare to the stack number of acid arrow
2. Burning effect don't have much effect fighting high level enemy.

Acid arrow:
1.Add lots of element hit( when skill lv high)
2. Can stack 5or 6 times when max in skill lv21(20)
3. low mp require
4. poison effect good for higher lv fighting.
1. Can only hit one target
2. poison effect don't working much on low lv mob

For summery I suggest:
If you fight Boss, mob more then pvp, or your element hit is low, or your HP is higher---->
Please learn Acid arrow.
Why?: Because enemy other then boss will be easily kill for wiz and other job, if you are the main attacker then your job is to kill boss quick. Acid arrow's element stack many rounds can help to max your damage(burning hand stacks 3 rounds), most hard boss can't be finish in two round.
Another way to use acid arrow is to stack >3 threes and cast thunderboom or fire rain to kill mob, the stack ele hit will max your attack of aoe attacking.

if you fight single pvp/group pvp or in the group boss kill but you are not main attacker----->
please learn burning hand.
Because burning hand's cross hit,  in single pvp can hit both pet and owner, plus it add element hit, usually can deal lots of damage. if your opponent use reviv pet( a mutant zombie which have talent that reviv owner in battle), then burning hand can kill the pet too(people may ask why dont use thunderboom instead, my answer is that thunderboom cost too many mp and it doesn't add ele hit to boost damage(in lv20 thunderboom minus ele resist of enemy's but still < then burning hand's ele hit +20 in lv20.

Another thing, icicle, which is a skill not use in common.
This skill's effect is to minus self ele hit 50 but can hold enemy for 1 turn. Yes, sacrifice 50 ele hit but only have hold for 1 turn.
This can be use against people or mob who has less speed and low resist, and have High HP and high attack.
why? because you must hit it before your enemy moves(maybe he can oneshot you, and you cant kill it within one turn). and you need to be sure that your ele hit -50( at skill lv1) is not lesser then enemy's ele resist. The opponent's way to deal of this is to use fury as auto skill.
For example:
Spear warrior HP=15K, attack can hit you 6 K(cri), and speed slower then you, auto skill not fury.
then its your time to beat it. the warrior cant even move

thanks for reading my guide

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