Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hit? what hit? Difference?

 Since I got about two question request on this, I will specify this out...
This is a lite version of explanation. Actual detail is in somewhere in the blog...

physical hit= the number compare with target's dodge to hit, has nothing to do with damage.

Curse hit= the number compare with target's curse resist, has nothing to do with damage either, the damage depend on what skill, what skill level.(remember if your curse hit is 100 lower than target's curse resist, than its impossible to hit it)

element hit= the number compare with target's element resist AND the damage depend on the difference between your hit and target's resist(That means if the difference is little, not only you have chance to miss the hit, but also your damage on target will be low).

Add skill hit is the hit either physical or curse or element, depend of what type of the skill it is( Assist skill it will write what hit as well)

hope it can help you.


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