This is the secret about a sword "kingkong Tesseiga"
One of the ability is "+20%" range attack??? Why would a sword give such trash ability?
The usage of this sword is to pvp, "Mainly"
A short answer to what this sword do is:
When use this sword.
Skill attack will be melee attack(use your melee atk to attack)
Normal attack will be RANGE attack(use the range attack u have)
Think about pvp, and u will know why they design the weapon.
Remember melee pet can only block melee attack :)
Hope these guide(100% made by me) can all help you.(Sorry if grammar is terrible :D)
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Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Skills Encyclopedia(Parts Passive skils only now, will add more)
So I will update the detail of skills at lv20 or lv10(11) here, I will try to cover all the skills ;D
This update is for Passive skills(parts)
Passive skills
Wizard Building
Battle Mage\ lv20 +59%Mp
Blood Boost\ lv20 +40%HP
Magic Learning\ lv10 +30%Magic def, lv20 +60%Magic def
Mastery\ Lv11 +50% MP+15Int, Lv20 +86%MP +30Int
Warrior Building
Shield Def\ Lv20 +139%shield's def +20% CON
Confidence\ Lv11 +15Wil +11 curse resis, lv20 +30Wil +20curse resis
Holy Faith\ Lv20 +20curse resist +39%Mp
Constancy\ Lv10 +10curse resist +19%magic def,Lv20 +32curse resist +39%magic def
Iron Body\ Lv20 +1790Hp +20%con
Dodge\ Lv20 dodge+79 +5%dodge
Iron Will\ Lv20 +32 curse resist +20Con
Kungfu Fighter Building
Iron Muscles\ Lv20 +35con +20str
Wind walker\ Lv11 +15dex +15agi, lv20 +35dex +35agi
Increased Stamina\ Lv20 +33con +28%HP
Power of sun\Lv10 +32%HP +5%con, Lv20 +62%Hp +12%con
Power of Moooon\Lv10 +32%MP +5%INT, Lv20 +62%MP +12%int
Energy shield\ lv10 +39%Mgaic/range Defense, Lv20 +79% Magic/range Defense
Iron cloth\lv10 +30%melee/range Defense, Lv20 +60% melee/range Defense
Warrior's will\ Lv11 +15Wil/Int. Lv20 +30Wil/int
shaman Building(some skills only can be learned by shaman)
Wind cloak\ Lv11 Dodge+15% +7%range def, Lv20 dodge+30% +15%range def
Mind Flow\ Lv10 Mp+200, Lv20 Mp+700
Elemental Armor\ lv9 Melee/magic def +14%, lv20 Melee/magic def +45%
Sagacity\ Lv20 Wil +30 element hit+20%
God Body\ Lv21 +40con +35%HP
Hunter Building
Panther's Speed\ Lv11 +15Agi +7%atk spd, Lv20 +28agi +12%atk spd
Cat's grace\ Lv11 +15Dex +7%dodge, Lv20 +30dex +12%dodge
Bull's endurance\ Lv11 +15con +19%HP, Lv20 +28Con +43%HP
Owl's Wisdom\ Lv11 +15Wil +11%Mp, Lv20 +28Wil +24%mp
Fox's sly\ lv11 +15Int +11%magic def, Lv20 +28Int +20%magic def
Lightning reflexes\ Lv20 +35dodge +20%atk spd
More skills coming......
This update is for Passive skills(parts)
Passive skills
Wizard Building
Battle Mage\ lv20 +59%Mp
Blood Boost\ lv20 +40%HP
Magic Learning\ lv10 +30%Magic def, lv20 +60%Magic def
Mastery\ Lv11 +50% MP+15Int, Lv20 +86%MP +30Int
Warrior Building
Shield Def\ Lv20 +139%shield's def +20% CON
Confidence\ Lv11 +15Wil +11 curse resis, lv20 +30Wil +20curse resis
Holy Faith\ Lv20 +20curse resist +39%Mp
Constancy\ Lv10 +10curse resist +19%magic def,Lv20 +32curse resist +39%magic def
Iron Body\ Lv20 +1790Hp +20%con
Dodge\ Lv20 dodge+79 +5%dodge
Iron Will\ Lv20 +32 curse resist +20Con
Kungfu Fighter Building
Iron Muscles\ Lv20 +35con +20str
Wind walker\ Lv11 +15dex +15agi, lv20 +35dex +35agi
Increased Stamina\ Lv20 +33con +28%HP
Power of sun\Lv10 +32%HP +5%con, Lv20 +62%Hp +12%con
Power of Moooon\Lv10 +32%MP +5%INT, Lv20 +62%MP +12%int
Energy shield\ lv10 +39%Mgaic/range Defense, Lv20 +79% Magic/range Defense
Iron cloth\lv10 +30%melee/range Defense, Lv20 +60% melee/range Defense
Warrior's will\ Lv11 +15Wil/Int. Lv20 +30Wil/int
shaman Building(some skills only can be learned by shaman)
Wind cloak\ Lv11 Dodge+15% +7%range def, Lv20 dodge+30% +15%range def
Mind Flow\ Lv10 Mp+200, Lv20 Mp+700
Elemental Armor\ lv9 Melee/magic def +14%, lv20 Melee/magic def +45%
Sagacity\ Lv20 Wil +30 element hit+20%
God Body\ Lv21 +40con +35%HP
Hunter Building
Panther's Speed\ Lv11 +15Agi +7%atk spd, Lv20 +28agi +12%atk spd
Cat's grace\ Lv11 +15Dex +7%dodge, Lv20 +30dex +12%dodge
Bull's endurance\ Lv11 +15con +19%HP, Lv20 +28Con +43%HP
Owl's Wisdom\ Lv11 +15Wil +11%Mp, Lv20 +28Wil +24%mp
Fox's sly\ lv11 +15Int +11%magic def, Lv20 +28Int +20%magic def
Lightning reflexes\ Lv20 +35dodge +20%atk spd
More skills coming......
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Healer/Tanker's Complete guide
So the spirit of the team is not the damage dealer!! Because some of the instance or event the boss just kill one or more people with one whack, so healer/tanker's job is to keep the team survive!!! (Below information will be based on Lv55 character)
Difference between:
Healer: More based on HEAL, which you will have very high in HP and MP, and with heal skill you can regen 25k hp per round. However, the defense component is not healer's major goal, unless you can have 60k hp, than next goal is to have defense.Healer usually team with high HP teammate(warrior, hp>5k player)
Tanker: Tanker is a little bit different. While healer want the highest Hp, your goal is to Max the most part of defense.Melee def, range def, dodge, element resis, curse resis, and armor.
It is almost impossible to have all the above as high, but all we need are 4 of them: Melee def, Range def, curse resist, and element resist. A formal tank that need atleast 6k of melee def and range def, need atleast 200 of curse and element resist. Even defense is important, remember melee and range attack will not be canceled directly, which the tanker can only resist as high as 75% damaged. For example, a attack land on a tanker without melee def can hit 10k, and with 20k melee def the tanker still takes 2.5k damage because of the 75% concealed rule. So that shows HP is important too. A tanker need atleast 20-40k of HP depend on what kind of gem and gear.
In most case, the most melee/range def you need is around 5k to 8k, because it become pointless when the number goes high.(even with 2000k def, you still take the 25% damage)
However, ele/curse resist is another story, why? Because if you have (their ele/curse hit+100) of ele/curse resist, it means it is impossible for them to hit you, IMPOSSIBLE!!!
This is why most of the people will not go for full healer, because if mobs or opponent hit you very hard since you only have hp, and you are using fury to prevent being chaos or silent, you will die pretty quick, high resist will save your auto skill for heal/+resis or def skills.
So let's take a look on what build I like the most.
It is the tanker(85%tank 15%heal)
Since you have 162 points to contribute on your stats,
I recommand (All Wil) or (100Wil,62Con)
And let's see what gear that can make a Powerful tank/Healer:
remember, the +HP% is not add the HP you currently have
Christmas Suit(Cloth with Hat)
This suit will give 3000Hp and 1000Mp, which is impressive ability, and we need that.
Total: +3000HP, +1000Mp
Christmas Suit(Cloth with Hat and Reindeer)(Blessed)
This suit will give 3000Hp, 20%HP,1300Mp and +30Wil/Int and 500 magic defense which is very very very impressive ability, However, it is extremely rare and not practice to have it unless you have too much gc that nowhere to spend.
Total: 3000Hp, 20%HP,1300Mp and +30Wil/Int and 500 magic defense
Angel suit:(Head, cloth, leg, shoe, hand)
This suit gives tremendously amount of HP and resist and also dodge.
Total: +80%HP, +564HP, +50curse/element resist, and 40 dodge.
Rasitlin leg:
This is the leg part which gives the most +% on melee def and HP
+50% melee defense, +10%Hp.
Rasitlin slip on shoe:
This shoe gives most its value on the crazy dodge it add.
Azreal Leg:
This cheap legging is used when your melee defense is enough but need resist.
+15element/curse resist, +10%HP
Azreal earring:
The famous earring that add 50% HP.
Azreal necklace:
Another famous necklace that can add 100%MP
Wil strengthen earring:
When your HP is high and you think you need to work on magic defense or range defense, use this.( caution, your build have to be all Wil in order to have Maximum change)
+10%Wil, +5Wil
Krato's sun shield:
This is my favorite shield, because it gives everything a tank need, except for armor which it doesn't have.
+30% HP, +20%(melee def, range def, magic def)
Apolo's shield:
Cheaper than Krato's sun shield. Gives high armor, and if only want to go max Con.
+15%Con, +25%Hp, 700armor
Medusa's shield.
Only purpose is to increase curse resist.
+10%hp, +100curse resist,-5%speed
Fairy Praise:
The beautiful white robe, and it gives good ability of melee def and Max your HP, weakness is no Armor because it's cloth.
+30% HP, +25% range, melee def.
Angel's hat:
A nurse's hat. Very suitable to gear with Fairy praise, it self add +30% Hp, +8ele/curse resist, and 20dodge.
Dazzle mantle:
Cheap and awesome, gives lots of defense. If your main goal is not HP, chose this.
+200Mp, +50%range defense, +50melee defense
Ire of abyss:
The famous shoulder that are extremely expensive for most of player, but it gives good HP, so chose your ability between defense or Hp.
+50%Hp, +30% melee
Thunderheart pauldron:
It gives good amount of HP and speed , BUT minus too much MP, so not good.
+30%speed, +40%HP, -30%MP
Dark dragon Destroyer:
Super cheap weapon that gives perfect value.
+30Con, +15Str, +15 element resist.
Reversed edge sword D.
Standard tank sword lol, the only weakness is that it gives no HP bonus. And it's a boule handed sword.
+55%range/melee defense, +65dodge, +25ele resist.
Big needle:
If you really need Hp.... Than use this one but not efficient compare with dark dragon destroyer. another is, this weapon add lots of speed so if you need some speed, chose this one.
+400HP,+324 speed
A new sword from christmas event, although it gives incredible amount of stats, HOWEVER, it is not practice. Because the gem number that can gem on this double handed weapon is twice less than one hand weapon plus shield, plus it only give HP/MP bonus while it has no defense no armor no resist at ALL. (Big needle + krato's shield/ apolo shield is better) So unless you just need HP and MP, Group healer/tanker don't need this weapon. BTW this weapon has no weapon attack either.
+70%HP/MP(not the HP you currently have)
Gold wing necklace:
Lol where did this come from. Hehe most of the people didn't pay attention on this necklace, that it gives 10Wil, so if you can not afford other necklace, than this will be ur chose.
+10Wil, +5 str, +5 cri
Aleph set( only rings, necklace, and earring)
This set(2rings) gives lots of Wil and Int and HP, so if you want Hp and resist on jewelry part, this can be it. better if your skill trend went with +magic defense.
Total(2rings): +60Wil, +44Int, +540HP
Red star ring:
Add lots of Mp, and some Hp( compared with MP, hp is easier to increase)
+3ele resist, +3curse resist, +300Hp/MP
Totem of berserker:
This cloak gives lots of dex, which means add lots of range def and melee def, also dodge.
+60dex, +10%Dex
Holy paladin's scarf:
This is for resist and Hp/Mp, cheaper than dark Phoenix wings.
+10element/curse resist, +200Mp/Hp
Dark Phoenix wings:
Add decent amount of ability, believe it.
+20Int/Wil, +20 dodge, +500HP
Warlord cloak:
The standard tank/healer cloak.
+10%melee,range,magic defense, -10%speed
Lv55 mj suit(don't need hand)
This is when you really want ONE ability to stand out, usually Wil or con.
+45%Con, +45% Wil, +45% Agi, +45% int
Soul toucher:
This shoe gives MP and Hp. Cheap chose.
+225Hp, +200Mp, +7%speed
Blue Bird:
Seems simple but it's generally has greater value than other mount.
+5%Hp, +5dodge, +5cri
It gives extra int and con, but it's usually wizzard's mount.
+20int, +30 con, +15%magic attack
Blessed reindeer:
From Christmas event, it add great mount of magic defense.
+30Inr/Wil, +500 magic def.
From Christmas event, very suitable for tank against magic.
+25Inr/Wil, +400 magic def.
Charming/Pure Camel:
Really not that expensive. they look so cute~
Charming:+300Mp/Hp,+5curse resist
Pure:+5%dodge,+5%magic def
White cloud:
Standard Maguc resist mount. It's from lv50 chest btw.
+10%(magic defense,int,Wil)
Azreal charm, Hp charm, Mp charm, refresher.
Different circumstance uses different charm. General purpose is Hp charm and Az charm.
I can not tell you what to wear and what skill exactly you need, but I will tell the trend, because everyone has their own way of fighting and goal for, don't be limited by the gear and skills guys :)
The main point is your purpose, is it for against magic? If so make it all Wil and Magic defense, I promise you the best wizzard in this game can't touch you(maybe~) but you won't die for sure. Or you want your tank/healer to be the only one standing while boss fight? Make it high on many areas. Your only job is take damage, reviv and heal.(some times use instant kill on boss)
Because many classes can be tank/healer, so its hard to say which skill is a must have, so~ choice your class's skill first.
Passive skills
Wizard Building
Battle Mage\ lv20 +59%Mp
Blood Boost\ lv20 +40%HP
Magic Learning\ lv10 +30%Magic def, lv20 +60%Magic def
Mastery\ Lv11 +50% MP+15Int, Lv20 +86%MP +30Int
Warrior Building
Shield Def\ Lv20 +139%shield's def +20% CON
Confidence\ Lv11 +15Wil +11 curse resis, lv20 +30Wil +20curse resis
Holy Faith\ Lv20 +20curse resist +39%Mp
Constancy\ Lv10 +10curse resist +19%magic def,Lv20 +32curse resist +39%magic def
Iron Body\ Lv20 +1790Hp +20%con
Dodge\ Lv20 dodge+79 +5%dodge
Iron Will\ Lv20 +32 curse resist +20Con
Kungfu Fighter Building
Iron Muscles\ Lv20 +35con +20str
Wind walker\ Lv11 +15dex +15agi, lv20 +35dex +35agi
Increased Stamina\ Lv20 +33con +28%HP
Power of sun\Lv10 +32%HP +5%con, Lv20 +62%Hp +12%con
Power of Moooon\Lv10 +32%MP +5%INT, Lv20 +62%MP +12%int
Energy shield\ lv10 +39%Mgaic/range Defense, Lv20 +79% Magic/range Defense
Iron cloth\lv10 +30%melee/range Defense, Lv20 +60% melee/range Defense
Warrior's will\ Lv11 +15Wil/Int. Lv20 +30Wil/int
shaman Building(some skills only can be learned by shaman)
Wind cloak\ Lv11 Dodge+15% +7%range def, Lv20 dodge+30% +15%range def
Mind Flow\ Lv10 Mp+200, Lv20 Mp+700
Elemental Armor\ lv9 Melee/magic def +14%, lv20 Melee/magic def +45%
Sagacity\ Lv20 Wil +30 element hit+20%
God Body\ Lv21 +40con +35%HP
Hunter Building
Panther's Speed\ Lv11 +15Agi +7%atk spd, Lv20 +28agi +12%atk spd
Cat's grace\ Lv11 +15Dex +7%dodge, Lv20 +30dex +12%dodge
Bull's endurance\ Lv11 +15con +19%HP, Lv20 +28Con +43%HP
Owl's Wisdom\ Lv11 +15Wil +11%Mp, Lv20 +28Wil +24%mp
Fox's sly\ lv11 +15Int +11%magic def, Lv20 +28Int +20%magic def
Lightning reflexes\ Lv20 +35dodge +20%atk spd
More skills coming......
Best PURE tanker's auto is Rejuvention(I forgot how to spell it...). Which heals you 20% hp and 10% mp per rd for 2 rd. If this set as auto and use silent rain it will heal 35% Hp per rd (caution... Silent rain will wash the rejuvention's second rd's effect.)
1st rd :Auto rejuv heal 5000hp, active silent rain heal 4000 9000
2nd rd : Heal 4000Hp(because silent rain has 2 rd effect, rejuv too but silent rain cover its effect) Auto rejuv heal 5000Hp, active silent rain heal 4000 Hp. Total 13000
1st rd :Auto rejuv heal 5000 hp, active none. Total 5000
2nd rd: heal 5000 Hp,auto rejuv heal 5000 hp. active none. Total 10000
Will update more, stay tuned.(skills and auto set up)
Difference between:
Healer: More based on HEAL, which you will have very high in HP and MP, and with heal skill you can regen 25k hp per round. However, the defense component is not healer's major goal, unless you can have 60k hp, than next goal is to have defense.Healer usually team with high HP teammate(warrior, hp>5k player)
Tanker: Tanker is a little bit different. While healer want the highest Hp, your goal is to Max the most part of defense.Melee def, range def, dodge, element resis, curse resis, and armor.
It is almost impossible to have all the above as high, but all we need are 4 of them: Melee def, Range def, curse resist, and element resist. A formal tank that need atleast 6k of melee def and range def, need atleast 200 of curse and element resist. Even defense is important, remember melee and range attack will not be canceled directly, which the tanker can only resist as high as 75% damaged. For example, a attack land on a tanker without melee def can hit 10k, and with 20k melee def the tanker still takes 2.5k damage because of the 75% concealed rule. So that shows HP is important too. A tanker need atleast 20-40k of HP depend on what kind of gem and gear.
In most case, the most melee/range def you need is around 5k to 8k, because it become pointless when the number goes high.(even with 2000k def, you still take the 25% damage)
However, ele/curse resist is another story, why? Because if you have (their ele/curse hit+100) of ele/curse resist, it means it is impossible for them to hit you, IMPOSSIBLE!!!
This is why most of the people will not go for full healer, because if mobs or opponent hit you very hard since you only have hp, and you are using fury to prevent being chaos or silent, you will die pretty quick, high resist will save your auto skill for heal/+resis or def skills.
So let's take a look on what build I like the most.
It is the tanker(85%tank 15%heal)
Since you have 162 points to contribute on your stats,
I recommand (All Wil) or (100Wil,62Con)
And let's see what gear that can make a Powerful tank/Healer:
remember, the +HP% is not add the HP you currently have
Christmas Suit(Cloth with Hat)
This suit will give 3000Hp and 1000Mp, which is impressive ability, and we need that.
Total: +3000HP, +1000Mp
Christmas Suit(Cloth with Hat and Reindeer)(Blessed)
This suit will give 3000Hp, 20%HP,1300Mp and +30Wil/Int and 500 magic defense which is very very very impressive ability, However, it is extremely rare and not practice to have it unless you have too much gc that nowhere to spend.
Total: 3000Hp, 20%HP,1300Mp and +30Wil/Int and 500 magic defense
Angel suit:(Head, cloth, leg, shoe, hand)
This suit gives tremendously amount of HP and resist and also dodge.
Total: +80%HP, +564HP, +50curse/element resist, and 40 dodge.
Rasitlin leg:
This is the leg part which gives the most +% on melee def and HP
+50% melee defense, +10%Hp.
Rasitlin slip on shoe:
This shoe gives most its value on the crazy dodge it add.
Azreal Leg:
This cheap legging is used when your melee defense is enough but need resist.
+15element/curse resist, +10%HP
Azreal earring:
The famous earring that add 50% HP.
Azreal necklace:
Another famous necklace that can add 100%MP
Wil strengthen earring:
When your HP is high and you think you need to work on magic defense or range defense, use this.( caution, your build have to be all Wil in order to have Maximum change)
+10%Wil, +5Wil
Krato's sun shield:
This is my favorite shield, because it gives everything a tank need, except for armor which it doesn't have.
+30% HP, +20%(melee def, range def, magic def)
Apolo's shield:
Cheaper than Krato's sun shield. Gives high armor, and if only want to go max Con.
+15%Con, +25%Hp, 700armor
Medusa's shield.
Only purpose is to increase curse resist.
+10%hp, +100curse resist,-5%speed
Fairy Praise:
The beautiful white robe, and it gives good ability of melee def and Max your HP, weakness is no Armor because it's cloth.
+30% HP, +25% range, melee def.
Angel's hat:
A nurse's hat. Very suitable to gear with Fairy praise, it self add +30% Hp, +8ele/curse resist, and 20dodge.
Dazzle mantle:
Cheap and awesome, gives lots of defense. If your main goal is not HP, chose this.
+200Mp, +50%range defense, +50melee defense
Ire of abyss:
The famous shoulder that are extremely expensive for most of player, but it gives good HP, so chose your ability between defense or Hp.
+50%Hp, +30% melee
Thunderheart pauldron:
It gives good amount of HP and speed , BUT minus too much MP, so not good.
+30%speed, +40%HP, -30%MP
Dark dragon Destroyer:
Super cheap weapon that gives perfect value.
+30Con, +15Str, +15 element resist.
Reversed edge sword D.
Standard tank sword lol, the only weakness is that it gives no HP bonus. And it's a boule handed sword.
+55%range/melee defense, +65dodge, +25ele resist.
Big needle:
If you really need Hp.... Than use this one but not efficient compare with dark dragon destroyer. another is, this weapon add lots of speed so if you need some speed, chose this one.
+400HP,+324 speed
A new sword from christmas event, although it gives incredible amount of stats, HOWEVER, it is not practice. Because the gem number that can gem on this double handed weapon is twice less than one hand weapon plus shield, plus it only give HP/MP bonus while it has no defense no armor no resist at ALL. (Big needle + krato's shield/ apolo shield is better) So unless you just need HP and MP, Group healer/tanker don't need this weapon. BTW this weapon has no weapon attack either.
+70%HP/MP(not the HP you currently have)
Gold wing necklace:
Lol where did this come from. Hehe most of the people didn't pay attention on this necklace, that it gives 10Wil, so if you can not afford other necklace, than this will be ur chose.
+10Wil, +5 str, +5 cri
Aleph set( only rings, necklace, and earring)
This set(2rings) gives lots of Wil and Int and HP, so if you want Hp and resist on jewelry part, this can be it. better if your skill trend went with +magic defense.
Total(2rings): +60Wil, +44Int, +540HP
Red star ring:
Add lots of Mp, and some Hp( compared with MP, hp is easier to increase)
+3ele resist, +3curse resist, +300Hp/MP
Totem of berserker:
This cloak gives lots of dex, which means add lots of range def and melee def, also dodge.
+60dex, +10%Dex
Holy paladin's scarf:
This is for resist and Hp/Mp, cheaper than dark Phoenix wings.
+10element/curse resist, +200Mp/Hp
Dark Phoenix wings:
Add decent amount of ability, believe it.
+20Int/Wil, +20 dodge, +500HP
Warlord cloak:
The standard tank/healer cloak.
+10%melee,range,magic defense, -10%speed
Lv55 mj suit(don't need hand)
This is when you really want ONE ability to stand out, usually Wil or con.
+45%Con, +45% Wil, +45% Agi, +45% int
Soul toucher:
This shoe gives MP and Hp. Cheap chose.
+225Hp, +200Mp, +7%speed
Blue Bird:
Seems simple but it's generally has greater value than other mount.
+5%Hp, +5dodge, +5cri
It gives extra int and con, but it's usually wizzard's mount.
+20int, +30 con, +15%magic attack
Blessed reindeer:
From Christmas event, it add great mount of magic defense.
+30Inr/Wil, +500 magic def.
From Christmas event, very suitable for tank against magic.
+25Inr/Wil, +400 magic def.
Charming/Pure Camel:
Really not that expensive. they look so cute~
Charming:+300Mp/Hp,+5curse resist
Pure:+5%dodge,+5%magic def
White cloud:
Standard Maguc resist mount. It's from lv50 chest btw.
+10%(magic defense,int,Wil)
Azreal charm, Hp charm, Mp charm, refresher.
Different circumstance uses different charm. General purpose is Hp charm and Az charm.
I can not tell you what to wear and what skill exactly you need, but I will tell the trend, because everyone has their own way of fighting and goal for, don't be limited by the gear and skills guys :)
The main point is your purpose, is it for against magic? If so make it all Wil and Magic defense, I promise you the best wizzard in this game can't touch you(maybe~) but you won't die for sure. Or you want your tank/healer to be the only one standing while boss fight? Make it high on many areas. Your only job is take damage, reviv and heal.(some times use instant kill on boss)
Because many classes can be tank/healer, so its hard to say which skill is a must have, so~ choice your class's skill first.
Passive skills
Wizard Building
Battle Mage\ lv20 +59%Mp
Blood Boost\ lv20 +40%HP
Magic Learning\ lv10 +30%Magic def, lv20 +60%Magic def
Mastery\ Lv11 +50% MP+15Int, Lv20 +86%MP +30Int
Warrior Building
Shield Def\ Lv20 +139%shield's def +20% CON
Confidence\ Lv11 +15Wil +11 curse resis, lv20 +30Wil +20curse resis
Holy Faith\ Lv20 +20curse resist +39%Mp
Constancy\ Lv10 +10curse resist +19%magic def,Lv20 +32curse resist +39%magic def
Iron Body\ Lv20 +1790Hp +20%con
Dodge\ Lv20 dodge+79 +5%dodge
Iron Will\ Lv20 +32 curse resist +20Con
Kungfu Fighter Building
Iron Muscles\ Lv20 +35con +20str
Wind walker\ Lv11 +15dex +15agi, lv20 +35dex +35agi
Increased Stamina\ Lv20 +33con +28%HP
Power of sun\Lv10 +32%HP +5%con, Lv20 +62%Hp +12%con
Power of Moooon\Lv10 +32%MP +5%INT, Lv20 +62%MP +12%int
Energy shield\ lv10 +39%Mgaic/range Defense, Lv20 +79% Magic/range Defense
Iron cloth\lv10 +30%melee/range Defense, Lv20 +60% melee/range Defense
Warrior's will\ Lv11 +15Wil/Int. Lv20 +30Wil/int
shaman Building(some skills only can be learned by shaman)
Wind cloak\ Lv11 Dodge+15% +7%range def, Lv20 dodge+30% +15%range def
Mind Flow\ Lv10 Mp+200, Lv20 Mp+700
Elemental Armor\ lv9 Melee/magic def +14%, lv20 Melee/magic def +45%
Sagacity\ Lv20 Wil +30 element hit+20%
God Body\ Lv21 +40con +35%HP
Hunter Building
Panther's Speed\ Lv11 +15Agi +7%atk spd, Lv20 +28agi +12%atk spd
Cat's grace\ Lv11 +15Dex +7%dodge, Lv20 +30dex +12%dodge
Bull's endurance\ Lv11 +15con +19%HP, Lv20 +28Con +43%HP
Owl's Wisdom\ Lv11 +15Wil +11%Mp, Lv20 +28Wil +24%mp
Fox's sly\ lv11 +15Int +11%magic def, Lv20 +28Int +20%magic def
Lightning reflexes\ Lv20 +35dodge +20%atk spd
More skills coming......
Best PURE tanker's auto is Rejuvention(I forgot how to spell it...). Which heals you 20% hp and 10% mp per rd for 2 rd. If this set as auto and use silent rain it will heal 35% Hp per rd (caution... Silent rain will wash the rejuvention's second rd's effect.)
1st rd :Auto rejuv heal 5000hp, active silent rain heal 4000 9000
2nd rd : Heal 4000Hp(because silent rain has 2 rd effect, rejuv too but silent rain cover its effect) Auto rejuv heal 5000Hp, active silent rain heal 4000 Hp. Total 13000
1st rd :Auto rejuv heal 5000 hp, active none. Total 5000
2nd rd: heal 5000 Hp,auto rejuv heal 5000 hp. active none. Total 10000
Will update more, stay tuned.(skills and auto set up)
Monday, December 12, 2011
Christmas Event guide!!
Christmas event will be out soon!!!!
To make everyone's life easier, I plan to write a half tip half guide on this event.
Get the starting quest: Gathering santa's ear(Awww) lol its because Santa wants to collect many child's wishes from many place... Ok this part is easy, just hunt 50 for each of ear(left and right). Ear dropped on other map, not event map.
You are a temp Santa! You need to Turn in the first quest and get this quest. You need to go to seven Houses on the map and deliver the gift to them! Be aware of the Crazy deer runing on the map~ after delivered seven gift Santa will give you a box of gift(chance to get ANYthing)
Now you need to clear some crazy deer on the map. Every deer has ..... Very high hp(100k?) and they will try to run away plus regen 8k hp each round. So your team need to have heavy damage hitter and ppl that curse or hold those deers. You need to hunt down 20 of them~ sorry deer, calm down.
Here comes the hard part. Turn in the previous Quest and talk to the crazy santa. You will need to experience multi-round fight with deer the first two round, Christmas SM(ops what does that suppose to mean... See the mob and you will know) master for Two to three rounds. Finally Crazy Santa!! I got you~ last rd with crazy Santa with sm master and deer, please group five ppl and go challenge your self~ remember to silence the Santa......tip tip
IF you survived~ now you can go in the gift house besides Santa.(Turn in the previous quest). And here comes the three chests....hmmm do I just chose one and leave?? Nooo, the chest will bite you hard~ Now, chose the MIDDLE chest(Mob) and get the quest. Remember!! The middle one(the one with better reward(chest, if u didn't get epic stuff don't curse me because it's about opening chest, believe me). Every member need to take the quest before group fighting it. The mob u are fighting are little chest, which I recommand potting wiz and kill, you will experience am master again.... Finally the LARGE chest.... Beat it and take your reward.
If you don't believe me that second(middle) chest gives most valuable chest, welcome try others....(hope lakoo ppl don't change the setting hehe. Hehe so that's it. I hope everybody will have fun during Christmas ~ Moonlite
To make everyone's life easier, I plan to write a half tip half guide on this event.
Get the starting quest: Gathering santa's ear(Awww) lol its because Santa wants to collect many child's wishes from many place... Ok this part is easy, just hunt 50 for each of ear(left and right). Ear dropped on other map, not event map.
You are a temp Santa! You need to Turn in the first quest and get this quest. You need to go to seven Houses on the map and deliver the gift to them! Be aware of the Crazy deer runing on the map~ after delivered seven gift Santa will give you a box of gift(chance to get ANYthing)
Now you need to clear some crazy deer on the map. Every deer has ..... Very high hp(100k?) and they will try to run away plus regen 8k hp each round. So your team need to have heavy damage hitter and ppl that curse or hold those deers. You need to hunt down 20 of them~ sorry deer, calm down.
Here comes the hard part. Turn in the previous Quest and talk to the crazy santa. You will need to experience multi-round fight with deer the first two round, Christmas SM(ops what does that suppose to mean... See the mob and you will know) master for Two to three rounds. Finally Crazy Santa!! I got you~ last rd with crazy Santa with sm master and deer, please group five ppl and go challenge your self~ remember to silence the Santa......tip tip
IF you survived~ now you can go in the gift house besides Santa.(Turn in the previous quest). And here comes the three chests....hmmm do I just chose one and leave?? Nooo, the chest will bite you hard~ Now, chose the MIDDLE chest(Mob) and get the quest. Remember!! The middle one(the one with better reward(chest, if u didn't get epic stuff don't curse me because it's about opening chest, believe me). Every member need to take the quest before group fighting it. The mob u are fighting are little chest, which I recommand potting wiz and kill, you will experience am master again.... Finally the LARGE chest.... Beat it and take your reward.
If you don't believe me that second(middle) chest gives most valuable chest, welcome try others....(hope lakoo ppl don't change the setting hehe. Hehe so that's it. I hope everybody will have fun during Christmas ~ Moonlite
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Cloak collection
Enjoy :D
Dark moon Cloak
Max Mp+10%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic Atk +7%
Warlord Cloak
Attack speed -10%
melee def +10%
B) range def +10%
B)Magic def +10%
Holy Paladin's Scarf
Element resist +10
Curse resist +10
B)Max HP +200
B)Max SP+200

Dark Phoenix wings
Int +20
Wil+ 20
B) dodge +20
B) Max hp +500

Totem of flame
Str +20
B)Melee +15%
B)Range +15%

Angel's Song
Swrod attack+ 10%
Bow Attack+ 10%
B) Attack speed +10%
B)Agi +20

Thor's Cloak
Melee atk +200
Curse resist - 20
B) Critical hit +25
B) Element resist +30

Evil Cloak
Axe attack +10%
Sabre attack +10%
B)Physical hit +10%
B)Str +20

Totem of Berserker

Winner's flag
Dark moon Cloak
Max Mp+10%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic Atk +7%
Warlord Cloak
Attack speed -10%
melee def +10%
B) range def +10%
B)Magic def +10%
Holy Paladin's Scarf
Element resist +10
Curse resist +10
B)Max HP +200
B)Max SP+200

Dark Phoenix wings
Int +20
Wil+ 20
B) dodge +20
B) Max hp +500

Totem of flame
Str +20
B)Melee +15%
B)Range +15%

Angel's Song
Swrod attack+ 10%
Bow Attack+ 10%
B) Attack speed +10%
B)Agi +20

Thor's Cloak
Melee atk +200
Curse resist - 20
B) Critical hit +25
B) Element resist +30

Evil Cloak
Axe attack +10%
Sabre attack +10%
B)Physical hit +10%
B)Str +20

Totem of Berserker

Winner's flag
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Set(Suit) Encyclopedia(Update)
(12/26/2011 update with some fix, and envy, arrogance suit.)
(12/3/2011 update Surifen, Beastmaster suit)
(11/8/2011 update moon's secret, Dawn overlord)
Ok. Hi everyone. There are alot of set(suits) in the game(Empire Online). Just if you don't know
them and want to know their effect, so i prepared to put all sets and will give very specific detail and explanation to it.
I will " try " to list them all but if I cant find it, forgive me thx :D
(That means I will list the most valuable suit, not those set in super low level)
blank means normal effect
B) means bind effect.
S) means suit effect.
Arrogance pumpkin suit
No stats required
Arrogance Robe
Critical Hit +20
Element resist +20
B)Curse resist +20
B)Str +10%
Arrogance Pumpkin Hat
regenerate Hp and Mp after a battle +10%
Element resist +15
B)Curse resist +15
B)Critical hit +10
S)critical hit+5
Arrogance Earring
Element resist +5
B)dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S)Str +30
Element resist+40
Curse resist +35
Physical Hit +10
Critical hit +35
regenerate Hp and Mp after a battle +10%
Same as Envy suit, Arrogance suit was originally released during Halloween event, but now Christmas event gives more, and the Price is lower. This suit is for people focus on Str(melee attack) and Critical hit. Recommend to use with pingba leg and thor cloak to enhance the Cri and melee ability.
Envy Pumpkin suit
No stats required
Envy Robe
Max MP+15%
B)element hit +10
B)melee def +400
S) element hit+10
Envy Pumpkin Hat
regenerate Hp and Mp after a battle +10%
curse resist +15
B)Element hit +10
B)Max Mp -15%
S) element hit +15
Envy Earring
curse resist +5
Magic -5%
B)Max HP+5%
B)element hit +5
S)Max HP+700
Element hit +50
Max HP+400
magic atk -5%
curse resist +20
Max HP+5%
regenerate Hp and Mp after a battle +10%
So this suit was originally released during Halloween event, but now Christmas event gives more. Ok, so this suit is used on wizard who want to MAX THEIR ELEMENT HIT, AND LOWER THEIR MAGIC ATTACK. Before using or buying this suit better prepare tons of gems to gem, because compared to dark moon suit, the low amount of gems(7 and below) makes dark moon suit more powerful, however, higher gems makes envy suit more superior(7 and up). Recommend to gear with MJ lv55 white hand and dm parts to enhance the ability of element hit.
Beastmaster Suit
Requirement: Lv53, Str:110 Con:50
Beastmaster helm :
Element resis+10
Physical bit+10
S)Element resist +10
Beastmaster Lorica:
Element resist +10
Physical hit +10
B)Polearm Attack +15%
Beastmaster Caliga:
Element resist +10
Physical hit +10
B)Polearm Attack +15%
S)Physical hit +10
Beastmaster Spear:
Attack 370-370
Element resist +10
Physical hit +10
B)Element resist +10
S)Polearm Attack +15%
Element resist +40
Physical hit +40
Polearm Attack +45%
A cheapest suit (less than 80gc) for player who uses spear( or even use parts). Lots of Str bonus and physical hit makes this is a cheap and decent suit( half suit). Another choice is to use Dual Dragon Ultimum B.
Surifen Suit
Requirement: Lv54, Str:90 AGI:90
Surifen Leggings
Max Hp+100
Max Sp+100
B)Physical hit +10
B)Range +15%
S)Range +5%
Surifen Boots
Max Hp+100
Max Sp+100
B)Physical hit +10
B)Range +15%
S)Range +5%
Surifen Helm
Max Hp+100
Max Sp+100
B)Physical hit +10
B)Range +15%
S)Physical hit +10
Surifen Gloves
Max Hp+100
Max Sp+100
B)Physical hit +10
B)Range +15%
S)Physical hit +10
Surifen Armor
Max Hp+100
Max Sp+100
B)Physical hit +10
B)Range +15%
S)Physical hit +10
Surifen Spaulder
Max Hp+100
Max Sp+100
B)Physical hit +10
B)Range +15%
S)Range +5%
Max Hp+600
Max Sp+600
Physical hit +90
Range +105%
This is the standard suit develop for hunter. The suit before this is, dragonhide, and forest suit. The special part of the suit are, cheap( total six parts are about 1k gc on tp) and its lv requirement is Lv54.
Just a reminder that all hunter hitter should use this suit and Promising Valor Bow( was Valor and wish bow). Another class that can play range attack is Shaman.
Raistlin Suit
Requirement: Lv50, Wil:28 Int:110.
Raistlin Blessing
B)Curse resist +5
B)Element Hit +5
(Lv1 no requirement needed)
Raistlin's Mantle
Mp +200
MP +10%
B)Magic +10%
S)Element Hit+10
Raistlin Hood
B)Magic atk +10%
S)Magic atk +20%
Raistlin Robe
B)Magic +8%
B)Magic defense+23%
S)Curse Hit+10%
Raistlin Gauntle
Curse hit+5
B)Curse resist+10
B)Element resist +10
S)Element resist+15
Raistlin's Slip-on shoes
B)Atk speed+7%
S)Magic def+15%
Raistlin's Legging
Atk speed+50
B)Melee defense +50%
Curse resist+15
Curse hit +15
Element hit+15
Curse resist+30
Element resist+25
Dodge +80
Magic Atk +48%
Magic Defense+ 50%
Attack speed +50
Magic defense+38%
LOL this is really a weird suit with all kinds of effects in it. Almost every defense value and magic elements are in here. However, people who want to have extreme attack or extreme defense skill will not want to use this set, because some part of this suit are just,,,,, junk like? So people often use Rasitlin shoe because +50 dodge is the most attract value ppl want... 50... alot i would say. And Raistlin's legging with attack speed 50 and +50% of melee def just make more tank stronger. I would not recommend people collect whole set to use. Robe, shoe, and legging are the most valuable parts.
Moon's Secret suit(Lv55)
Lv55, Str:100, Agi +85
Moon's Secret Headdress
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Dodge +10
Moon's Secret Coat
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Dodge +10
Moon's Secret boots
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Bareknuckle Damage +10%
Moon's Secret Legging
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Physical hit +10
Moon's Secret Spaulder
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Physical hit +10
Moon's Secret Gloves
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Bareknuckle Damage +10%
MaxHp +400
Bareknuckle damage + 80%
Dodge+ 80
Physical hit + 80
Recommand for use
So everything a barehand kf need is here, Hp, damage, physical hit, and dodge. Barehand kf is a popular class, so this suit is hot(expensive). As an advise, the physical hit is the first thing to barehand kf, and than is speed, than last is damage because kf's damage can be easily raise.
Dawn Overlord suit(lv55)
Lv55, Str:140, Con:30, Agi:20
Dawn Overlord's helm
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Melee attack +5%
Dawn Overlord's Coat
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Melee attack +5%
Dawn Overlord's Boots
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Agi +10
Dawn Overlord's Legging
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Sabre Damage +10%
Dawn Overlord's Spaulder
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Str +10
Dawn Overlord's Bracer
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Sabre Damage +10%
Str + 70
Agi + 70
Sabre Damage + 80%
Melee attack + 40%
Recommand for use
As you can see. This is for a Sabre user, because it add a bunch of damage of Sabre ,Melee, str and agi.
Some people will use Ire as their spaulder, because the suit effect are (10%melee, Str +10, Agi+10, Sabre Damage +20% and minus the effect of Dol's spaulder), which can be not as valuable as what Ire does(50%Hp, 30% melee). Either way is working great.
Dark Moon suit(Lv55)
Lv55, Wil:70, Int: 120
Dark Moon hood:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Dodge -30%
Dark Moon Robe:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Element hit +10
Dark Moon Mantle:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Magic atk +7%
Dark Moon Legging:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Magic atk +7%
Dark Moon Legging:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Element hit +10
Dark Moon Gloves:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Magic atk +7%
Max Mp+60%
Element hit +80%
Magic atk + 63%
Dodge -55%
Angel Set(lv54):
Lv54, Wil60, Int120.
Angel's hat:
Dodge +20
Curse resist+8
B)Max Hp+30%
B)Element resist+8
Angel's robe:
Max Mp +324
Max HP+10%
B)Curse resist+8
B)Element resist+8
S)Curse resist+10
Angel's trousers:
Max Mp +80
Max HP+10%
B)Curse resist+8
B)Element resist+8
S)Max HP+10%
Angel's shoes:
Max Mp +80
Max HP+10%
B)Curse resist+8
B)Element resist+8
S)Max HP+10%
Angel's Gloves:
Max Mp +80
Max HP+10%
B)Curse resist+8
B)Element resist+8
S)Element resist+10
Max Hp+80%
Max Mp+564
Element resist+50
Curse resist +50
Dodge +40
Recommand for use
This suit is for player who wants to have more HP,resist, and dodge, or just simply said you want to survive. We usually would use angle hat, because it gives 30% of Max Hp, but actually the whole angel set is not that bad as a intermediate level of gear.
Avenger set:
Requirement :
Lv30, Str66, Con 17.
Avenger's Cuirass:
Max Hp+160
B) Cri hit+3
B)axe atk +3%
S)Melee +100
Avenger's helm
Max Hp+40
B)Axe atk+3%
Avenger's Greaves
Max Hp+35
B)Axe atk+3%
S)Axe atk+3%
Avenger's Legging
Max Hp+40
B)Axe atk+3%
S)Axe atk+3%
Avenger's Pauldron
Max Hp+160
B)Axe atk+3%
S)Axe atk+3%
Avenger's Gauntlet
Max Hp+40
B)Axe atk+3%
S)Cri Hit +5
Recommand for melee class.
This is the most valuable and cheap suit for ANY melee class. Very important set that can help most of the melee class to Lv55.
Anoint set:
Requirement :
Lv25, 14Wil, 55Int.
Anoint Robe.
Max Mp+100
B)Max Mp+35
S)magic atk+5%
Anoint ring
Max MP -5%
B)magic atk+30
S)Max Mp +5%
Anoint tiara
Max MP -10%
Max Mp+35
B)magic atk+30
S)Max Mp +5%
Anoint Mantle
Max MP+ 55
B)Max mp -10%
S)Magic atk +5%
Anoint Gauntlet
Max mp +35
Max MP -10%
B)magic atk+30
S)Max Mp +5%
Anoint necklace
Max Mp -5%
S)Max Sp +5%
Anoint legging
Max Mp +35
Max MP -10%
B)magic atk+30
S) Max mp +5%
Anoint boots
Max MP -10%
Max Mp +30
B)magic atk+30
B)attack speed +7%
S)Max Mp +5%
Anoint earring
Max MP -5%
B)magic atk+30
S)Max Mp +5%
Total(bind_suit)(with one ring)
Max Mp +290
Magic atk +15%
Magic atk +180
Max Mp -30%
recommand for wizard.(lv25-35)
Suit effect is not full necessary, lack of one ring or one earring is ok.
Felheart set
Lv35, 20Wil, 77Int.
Felheart headdress
Max Mp+45
element hit +5
B)Curse hit +5
S)element hit+3
Felheart Robe
Max Mp+150
element hit +5
B)Curse hit +5
B)magic +1%
S)Max Mp +5%
Felheart legging
Max Mp+45
element hit +5
B)Curse hit +5
S)curse hit+3
Felheart mantle
Max Mp+120
element hit +5
B)Curse hit +5
S)element hit+3
Felheart Bracer
Max Mp+45
element hit +5
B)Curse hit +5
S)curse hit+3
fleheart Necklace
B)element hit +2
B)curse hit +2
S) max Mp+5%
Max mp +405
element hit+33
curse hit +28
Max mp+ 10%
magic atk+1%
This is suit for wizard(lv45->some lv55)
its cheap and very useful, complete is better, but not necessary.
(12/3/2011 update Surifen, Beastmaster suit)
(11/8/2011 update moon's secret, Dawn overlord)
Ok. Hi everyone. There are alot of set(suits) in the game(Empire Online). Just if you don't know
them and want to know their effect, so i prepared to put all sets and will give very specific detail and explanation to it.
I will " try " to list them all but if I cant find it, forgive me thx :D
(That means I will list the most valuable suit, not those set in super low level)
blank means normal effect
B) means bind effect.
S) means suit effect.
Arrogance pumpkin suit
No stats required
Arrogance Robe
Critical Hit +20
Element resist +20
B)Curse resist +20
B)Str +10%
Arrogance Pumpkin Hat
regenerate Hp and Mp after a battle +10%
Element resist +15
B)Curse resist +15
B)Critical hit +10
S)critical hit+5
Arrogance Earring
Element resist +5
B)dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S)Str +30
Element resist+40
Curse resist +35
Physical Hit +10
Critical hit +35
regenerate Hp and Mp after a battle +10%
Same as Envy suit, Arrogance suit was originally released during Halloween event, but now Christmas event gives more, and the Price is lower. This suit is for people focus on Str(melee attack) and Critical hit. Recommend to use with pingba leg and thor cloak to enhance the Cri and melee ability.
Envy Pumpkin suit
No stats required
Envy Robe
Max MP+15%
B)element hit +10
B)melee def +400
S) element hit+10
Envy Pumpkin Hat
regenerate Hp and Mp after a battle +10%
curse resist +15
B)Element hit +10
B)Max Mp -15%
S) element hit +15
Envy Earring
curse resist +5
Magic -5%
B)Max HP+5%
B)element hit +5
S)Max HP+700
Element hit +50
Max HP+400
magic atk -5%
curse resist +20
Max HP+5%
regenerate Hp and Mp after a battle +10%
So this suit was originally released during Halloween event, but now Christmas event gives more. Ok, so this suit is used on wizard who want to MAX THEIR ELEMENT HIT, AND LOWER THEIR MAGIC ATTACK. Before using or buying this suit better prepare tons of gems to gem, because compared to dark moon suit, the low amount of gems(7 and below) makes dark moon suit more powerful, however, higher gems makes envy suit more superior(7 and up). Recommend to gear with MJ lv55 white hand and dm parts to enhance the ability of element hit.
Beastmaster Suit
Requirement: Lv53, Str:110 Con:50
Beastmaster helm :
Element resis+10
Physical bit+10
S)Element resist +10
Beastmaster Lorica:
Element resist +10
Physical hit +10
B)Polearm Attack +15%
Beastmaster Caliga:
Element resist +10
Physical hit +10
B)Polearm Attack +15%
S)Physical hit +10
Beastmaster Spear:
Attack 370-370
Element resist +10
Physical hit +10
B)Element resist +10
S)Polearm Attack +15%
Element resist +40
Physical hit +40
Polearm Attack +45%
A cheapest suit (less than 80gc) for player who uses spear( or even use parts). Lots of Str bonus and physical hit makes this is a cheap and decent suit( half suit). Another choice is to use Dual Dragon Ultimum B.
Surifen Suit
Requirement: Lv54, Str:90 AGI:90
Surifen Leggings
Max Hp+100
Max Sp+100
B)Physical hit +10
B)Range +15%
S)Range +5%
Surifen Boots
Max Hp+100
Max Sp+100
B)Physical hit +10
B)Range +15%
S)Range +5%
Surifen Helm
Max Hp+100
Max Sp+100
B)Physical hit +10
B)Range +15%
S)Physical hit +10
Surifen Gloves
Max Hp+100
Max Sp+100
B)Physical hit +10
B)Range +15%
S)Physical hit +10
Surifen Armor
Max Hp+100
Max Sp+100
B)Physical hit +10
B)Range +15%
S)Physical hit +10
Surifen Spaulder
Max Hp+100
Max Sp+100
B)Physical hit +10
B)Range +15%
S)Range +5%
Max Hp+600
Max Sp+600
Physical hit +90
Range +105%
This is the standard suit develop for hunter. The suit before this is, dragonhide, and forest suit. The special part of the suit are, cheap( total six parts are about 1k gc on tp) and its lv requirement is Lv54.
Just a reminder that all hunter hitter should use this suit and Promising Valor Bow( was Valor and wish bow). Another class that can play range attack is Shaman.
Raistlin Suit
Requirement: Lv50, Wil:28 Int:110.
Raistlin Blessing
B)Curse resist +5
B)Element Hit +5
(Lv1 no requirement needed)
Raistlin's Mantle
Mp +200
MP +10%
B)Magic +10%
S)Element Hit+10
Raistlin Hood
B)Magic atk +10%
S)Magic atk +20%
Raistlin Robe
B)Magic +8%
B)Magic defense+23%
S)Curse Hit+10%
Raistlin Gauntle
Curse hit+5
B)Curse resist+10
B)Element resist +10
S)Element resist+15
Raistlin's Slip-on shoes
B)Atk speed+7%
S)Magic def+15%
Raistlin's Legging
Atk speed+50
B)Melee defense +50%
Curse resist+15
Curse hit +15
Element hit+15
Curse resist+30
Element resist+25
Dodge +80
Magic Atk +48%
Magic Defense+ 50%
Attack speed +50
Magic defense+38%
LOL this is really a weird suit with all kinds of effects in it. Almost every defense value and magic elements are in here. However, people who want to have extreme attack or extreme defense skill will not want to use this set, because some part of this suit are just,,,,, junk like? So people often use Rasitlin shoe because +50 dodge is the most attract value ppl want... 50... alot i would say. And Raistlin's legging with attack speed 50 and +50% of melee def just make more tank stronger. I would not recommend people collect whole set to use. Robe, shoe, and legging are the most valuable parts.
Moon's Secret suit(Lv55)
Lv55, Str:100, Agi +85
Moon's Secret Headdress
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Dodge +10
Moon's Secret Coat
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Dodge +10
Moon's Secret boots
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Bareknuckle Damage +10%
Moon's Secret Legging
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Physical hit +10
Moon's Secret Spaulder
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Physical hit +10
Moon's Secret Gloves
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Bareknuckle Damage +10%
MaxHp +400
Bareknuckle damage + 80%
Dodge+ 80
Physical hit + 80
Recommand for use
So everything a barehand kf need is here, Hp, damage, physical hit, and dodge. Barehand kf is a popular class, so this suit is hot(expensive). As an advise, the physical hit is the first thing to barehand kf, and than is speed, than last is damage because kf's damage can be easily raise.
Dawn Overlord suit(lv55)
Lv55, Str:140, Con:30, Agi:20
Dawn Overlord's helm
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Melee attack +5%
Dawn Overlord's Coat
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Melee attack +5%
Dawn Overlord's Boots
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Agi +10
Dawn Overlord's Legging
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Sabre Damage +10%
Dawn Overlord's Spaulder
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Str +10
Dawn Overlord's Bracer
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Sabre Damage +10%
Str + 70
Agi + 70
Sabre Damage + 80%
Melee attack + 40%
Recommand for use
As you can see. This is for a Sabre user, because it add a bunch of damage of Sabre ,Melee, str and agi.
Some people will use Ire as their spaulder, because the suit effect are (10%melee, Str +10, Agi+10, Sabre Damage +20% and minus the effect of Dol's spaulder), which can be not as valuable as what Ire does(50%Hp, 30% melee). Either way is working great.
Dark Moon suit(Lv55)
Lv55, Wil:70, Int: 120
Dark Moon hood:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Dodge -30%
Dark Moon Robe:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Element hit +10
Dark Moon Mantle:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Magic atk +7%
Dark Moon Legging:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Magic atk +7%
Dark Moon Legging:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Element hit +10
Dark Moon Gloves:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Magic atk +7%
Max Mp+60%
Element hit +80%
Magic atk + 63%
Dodge -55%
Recommand for use
Of course, this is a must have for element wizard (or any other jobs that do major atk on magic)
If wiz have high dodge than it will be overpower isn't it? so the dodge got cut in half :D
many people though foget(ignore) the attribution of Max Mp, the whole suit actually add lots of mp too. So any Magic attack major classes should use this suit as a final suit. I know its expensive....
Angel Set(lv54):
Lv54, Wil60, Int120.
Angel's hat:
Dodge +20
Curse resist+8
B)Max Hp+30%
B)Element resist+8
Angel's robe:
Max Mp +324
Max HP+10%
B)Curse resist+8
B)Element resist+8
S)Curse resist+10
Angel's trousers:
Max Mp +80
Max HP+10%
B)Curse resist+8
B)Element resist+8
S)Max HP+10%
Angel's shoes:
Max Mp +80
Max HP+10%
B)Curse resist+8
B)Element resist+8
S)Max HP+10%
Angel's Gloves:
Max Mp +80
Max HP+10%
B)Curse resist+8
B)Element resist+8
S)Element resist+10
Max Hp+80%
Max Mp+564
Element resist+50
Curse resist +50
Dodge +40
Recommand for use
This suit is for player who wants to have more HP,resist, and dodge, or just simply said you want to survive. We usually would use angle hat, because it gives 30% of Max Hp, but actually the whole angel set is not that bad as a intermediate level of gear.
Avenger set:
Requirement :
Lv30, Str66, Con 17.
Avenger's Cuirass:
Max Hp+160
B) Cri hit+3
B)axe atk +3%
S)Melee +100
Avenger's helm
Max Hp+40
B)Axe atk+3%
Avenger's Greaves
Max Hp+35
B)Axe atk+3%
S)Axe atk+3%
Avenger's Legging
Max Hp+40
B)Axe atk+3%
S)Axe atk+3%
Avenger's Pauldron
Max Hp+160
B)Axe atk+3%
S)Axe atk+3%
Avenger's Gauntlet
Max Hp+40
B)Axe atk+3%
S)Cri Hit +5
Recommand for melee class.
This is the most valuable and cheap suit for ANY melee class. Very important set that can help most of the melee class to Lv55.
Anoint set:
Requirement :
Lv25, 14Wil, 55Int.
Anoint Robe.
Max Mp+100
B)Max Mp+35
S)magic atk+5%
Anoint ring
Max MP -5%
B)magic atk+30
S)Max Mp +5%
Anoint tiara
Max MP -10%
Max Mp+35
B)magic atk+30
S)Max Mp +5%
Anoint Mantle
Max MP+ 55
B)Max mp -10%
S)Magic atk +5%
Anoint Gauntlet
Max mp +35
Max MP -10%
B)magic atk+30
S)Max Mp +5%
Anoint necklace
Max Mp -5%
S)Max Sp +5%
Anoint legging
Max Mp +35
Max MP -10%
B)magic atk+30
S) Max mp +5%
Anoint boots
Max MP -10%
Max Mp +30
B)magic atk+30
B)attack speed +7%
S)Max Mp +5%
Anoint earring
Max MP -5%
B)magic atk+30
S)Max Mp +5%
Total(bind_suit)(with one ring)
Max Mp +290
Magic atk +15%
Magic atk +180
Max Mp -30%
recommand for wizard.(lv25-35)
Suit effect is not full necessary, lack of one ring or one earring is ok.
Felheart set
Lv35, 20Wil, 77Int.
Felheart headdress
Max Mp+45
element hit +5
B)Curse hit +5
S)element hit+3
Felheart Robe
Max Mp+150
element hit +5
B)Curse hit +5
B)magic +1%
S)Max Mp +5%
Felheart legging
Max Mp+45
element hit +5
B)Curse hit +5
S)curse hit+3
Felheart mantle
Max Mp+120
element hit +5
B)Curse hit +5
S)element hit+3
Felheart Bracer
Max Mp+45
element hit +5
B)Curse hit +5
S)curse hit+3
fleheart Necklace
B)element hit +2
B)curse hit +2
S) max Mp+5%
Max mp +405
element hit+33
curse hit +28
Max mp+ 10%
magic atk+1%
This is suit for wizard(lv45->some lv55)
its cheap and very useful, complete is better, but not necessary.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Sorry guys I have too much school work now... so I won't upload new thing until the semester end...
Sorry guys I have too much school work now... so I won't upload new thing until the semester end...
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Shaman or Wizard?
Hi~ Here is Moonlite
If you know this already please just ignore.........
You have to make your goal first.
I list the benefit of shaman(mage) and Wizard.
Shaman- High element Hit, vary way to battle, group buff.
Wizard- High magic attack, good for extreme build.
So it makes Shaman better for PvP and Group(manatide totem)
and Wizard for Instance and farm.
For spell problem, its just two or three spell that is really in the stream of using, acid arrow(burning hand), and thunderboom.
Here is the important part, If you are certain that you can have very good geming and gear, go for shaman. Because shaman has a skill +20% element hit, so the estimate gc for Full set+ geming for Mage shaman is 20k gc(believe me). Btw, shaman has lower magic attack compare to same gear with Wizard.
Another thing, Int for better dmg, Wil for spd, magic def(resist),and little magic atk.
So this means Int build is better for instance or farming, and Wil build is better for Some instance(magic) and PvP.
If you know this already please just ignore.........
You have to make your goal first.
I list the benefit of shaman(mage) and Wizard.
Shaman- High element Hit, vary way to battle, group buff.
Wizard- High magic attack, good for extreme build.
So it makes Shaman better for PvP and Group(manatide totem)
and Wizard for Instance and farm.
For spell problem, its just two or three spell that is really in the stream of using, acid arrow(burning hand), and thunderboom.
Here is the important part, If you are certain that you can have very good geming and gear, go for shaman. Because shaman has a skill +20% element hit, so the estimate gc for Full set+ geming for Mage shaman is 20k gc(believe me). Btw, shaman has lower magic attack compare to same gear with Wizard.
Another thing, Int for better dmg, Wil for spd, magic def(resist),and little magic atk.
So this means Int build is better for instance or farming, and Wil build is better for Some instance(magic) and PvP.
Guess what this is!!!?
What is this chinese image represent!!!
Let me introduce the new gem!!
Attack speed gem!!! effect:attack speed +25
what can this impact our game? well, if you socket 5 gems of this, and you have 5 gears geming this, 25x5=225 225x5=1125spd
A ALL Str barehand originally will have only 0 spd, but if you have this gem.. hehehe
you will have 1125 raw speed.
If you originally have 1500 spd..... your spd will be very impressive.....
My wizzy will love this gem.....
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Hit? what hit? Difference?
Since I got about two question request on this, I will specify this out...
This is a lite version of explanation. Actual detail is in somewhere in the blog...
physical hit= the number compare with target's dodge to hit, has nothing to do with damage.
Curse hit= the number compare with target's curse resist, has nothing to do with damage either, the damage depend on what skill, what skill level.(remember if your curse hit is 100 lower than target's curse resist, than its impossible to hit it)
element hit= the number compare with target's element resist AND the damage depend on the difference between your hit and target's resist(That means if the difference is little, not only you have chance to miss the hit, but also your damage on target will be low).
Add skill hit is the hit either physical or curse or element, depend of what type of the skill it is( Assist skill it will write what hit as well)
hope it can help you.
This is a lite version of explanation. Actual detail is in somewhere in the blog...
physical hit= the number compare with target's dodge to hit, has nothing to do with damage.
Curse hit= the number compare with target's curse resist, has nothing to do with damage either, the damage depend on what skill, what skill level.(remember if your curse hit is 100 lower than target's curse resist, than its impossible to hit it)
element hit= the number compare with target's element resist AND the damage depend on the difference between your hit and target's resist(That means if the difference is little, not only you have chance to miss the hit, but also your damage on target will be low).
Add skill hit is the hit either physical or curse or element, depend of what type of the skill it is( Assist skill it will write what hit as well)
hope it can help you.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Set(Suit) Encyclopedia(but not all)
Ok. Hi everyone. There are alot of set(suits) in the game(Empire Online). Just if you don't know
them and want to know their effect, so i prepared to put all sets and will give very specific detail and explanation to it.
I will " try " to list them all but if I cant find it, forgive me thx :D
(That means I will list the most valuable suit, not those set in super low level)
B) means bind effect.
S) means suit effect.
Moon's Secret suit(Lv55)
Lv55, Str:100, Agi +85
Moon's Secret Headdress
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Dodge +10
Moon's Secret Coat
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Dodge +10
Moon's Secret boots
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Bareknuckle Damage +10%
Moon's Secret Legging
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Physical hit +10
Moon's Secret Spaulder
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Physical hit +10
Moon's Secret Gloves
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Bareknuckle Damage +10%
MaxHp +400
Bareknuckle damage + 80%
Dodge+ 80
Physical hit + 80
Recommand for use
So everything a barehand kf need is here, Hp, damage, physical hit, and dodge. Barehand kf is a popular class, so this suit is hot(expensive). As an advise, the physical hit is the first thing to barehand kf, and than is speed, than last is damage because kf's damage can be easily raise.
Dawn Overlord suit(lv55)
Lv55, Str:140, Con:30, Agi:20
Dawn Overlord's helm
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Melee attack +5%
Dawn Overlord's Coat
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Melee attack +5%
Dawn Overlord's Boots
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Agi +10
Dawn Overlord's Legging
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Sabre Damage +10%
Dawn Overlord's Spaulder
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Str +10
Dawn Overlord's Bracer
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Sabre Damage +10%
Str + 70
Agi + 70
Sabre Damage + 80%
Melee attack + 40%
Recommand for use
As you can see. This is for a Sabre user, because it add a bunch of damage of Sabre ,Melee, str and agi.
Some people will use Ire as their spaulder, because the suit effect are (10%melee, Str +10, Agi+10, Sabre Damage +20% and minus the effect of Dol's spaulder), which can be not as valuable as what Ire does(50%Hp, 30% melee). Either way is working great.
Dark Moon suit(Lv55)
Lv55, Wil:70, Int: 120
Dark Moon hood:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Dodge -30%
Dark Moon Robe:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Element hit +10
Dark Moon Mantle:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Magic atk +7%
Dark Moon Legging:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Magic atk +7%
Dark Moon Legging:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Element hit +10
Dark Moon Gloves:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Magic atk +7%
Max Mp+60%
Element hit +80%
Magic atk + 63%
Dodge -55%
Angel Set(lv54):
Lv54, Wil60, Int120.
Angel's hat:
Dodge +20
Curse resist+8
B)Max Hp+30%
B)Element resist+8
Angel's robe:
Max Mp +324
Max HP+10%
B)Curse resist+8
B)Element resist+8
S)Curse resist+10
Angel's trousers:
Max Mp +80
Max HP+10%
B)Curse resist+8
B)Element resist+8
S)Max HP+10%
Angel's shoes:
Max Mp +80
Max HP+10%
B)Curse resist+8
B)Element resist+8
S)Max HP+10%
Angel's Gloves:
Max Mp +80
Max HP+10%
B)Curse resist+8
B)Element resist+8
S)Element resist+10
Max Hp+80%
Max Mp+564
Element resist+50
Curse resist +50
Dodge +40
Recommand for use
This suit is for player who wants to have more HP,resist, and dodge, or just simply said you want to survive. We usually would use angle hat, because it gives 30% of Max Hp, but actually the whole angel set is not that bad as a intermediate level of gear.
Avenger set:
Requirement :
Lv30, Str66, Con 17.
Avenger's Cuirass:
Max Hp+160
B) Cri hit+3
B)axe atk +3%
S)Melee +100
Avenger's helm
Max Hp+40
B)Axe atk+3%
Avenger's Greaves
Max Hp+35
B)Axe atk+3%
S)Axe atk+3%
Avenger's Legging
Max Hp+40
B)Axe atk+3%
S)Axe atk+3%
Avenger's Pauldron
Max Hp+160
B)Axe atk+3%
S)Axe atk+3%
Avenger's Gauntlet
Max Hp+40
B)Axe atk+3%
S)Cri Hit +5
Recommand for melee class.
This is the most valuable and cheap suit for ANY melee class. Very important set that can help most of the melee class to Lv55.
Anoint set:
Requirement :
Lv25, 14Wil, 55Int.
Anoint Robe.
Max Mp+100
B)Max Mp+35
S)magic atk+5%
Anoint ring
Max MP -5%
B)magic atk+30
S)Max Mp +5%
Anoint tiara
Max MP -10%
Max Mp+35
B)magic atk+30
S)Max Mp +5%
Anoint Mantle
Max MP+ 55
B)Max mp -10%
S)Magic atk +5%
Anoint Gauntlet
Max mp +35
Max MP -10%
B)magic atk+30
S)Max Mp +5%
Anoint necklace
Max Mp -5%
S)Max Sp +5%
Anoint legging
Max Mp +35
Max MP -10%
B)magic atk+30
S) Max mp +5%
Anoint boots
Max MP -10%
Max Mp +30
B)magic atk+30
B)attack speed +7%
S)Max Mp +5%
Anoint earring
Max MP -5%
B)magic atk+30
S)Max Mp +5%
Total(bind_suit)(with one ring)
Max Mp +290
Magic atk +15%
Magic atk +180
Max Mp -30%
recommand for wizard.(lv25-35)
Suit effect is not full necessary, lack of one ring or one earring is ok.
Felheart set
Lv35, 20Wil, 77Int.
Felheart headdress
Max Mp+45
element hit +5
B)Curse hit +5
S)element hit+3
Felheart Robe
Max Mp+150
element hit +5
B)Curse hit +5
B)magic +1%
S)Max Mp +5%
Felheart legging
Max Mp+45
element hit +5
B)Curse hit +5
S)curse hit+3
Felheart mantle
Max Mp+120
element hit +5
B)Curse hit +5
S)element hit+3
Felheart Bracer
Max Mp+45
element hit +5
B)Curse hit +5
S)curse hit+3
fleheart Necklace
B)element hit +2
B)curse hit +2
S) max Mp+5%
Max mp +405
element hit+33
curse hit +28
Max mp+ 10%
magic atk+1%
This is suit for wizard(lv45->some lv55)
its cheap and very useful, complete is better, but not necessary.
them and want to know their effect, so i prepared to put all sets and will give very specific detail and explanation to it.
I will " try " to list them all but if I cant find it, forgive me thx :D
(That means I will list the most valuable suit, not those set in super low level)
B) means bind effect.
S) means suit effect.
Moon's Secret suit(Lv55)
Lv55, Str:100, Agi +85
Moon's Secret Headdress
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Dodge +10
Moon's Secret Coat
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Dodge +10
Moon's Secret boots
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Bareknuckle Damage +10%
Moon's Secret Legging
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Physical hit +10
Moon's Secret Spaulder
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Physical hit +10
Moon's Secret Gloves
Bareknuckle Damage +10%
E)Dodge +10
B)Physical hit +10
S) Bareknuckle Damage +10%
MaxHp +400
Bareknuckle damage + 80%
Dodge+ 80
Physical hit + 80
Recommand for use
So everything a barehand kf need is here, Hp, damage, physical hit, and dodge. Barehand kf is a popular class, so this suit is hot(expensive). As an advise, the physical hit is the first thing to barehand kf, and than is speed, than last is damage because kf's damage can be easily raise.
Dawn Overlord suit(lv55)
Lv55, Str:140, Con:30, Agi:20
Dawn Overlord's helm
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Melee attack +5%
Dawn Overlord's Coat
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Melee attack +5%
Dawn Overlord's Boots
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Agi +10
Dawn Overlord's Legging
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Sabre Damage +10%
Dawn Overlord's Spaulder
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Str +10
Dawn Overlord's Bracer
B)Sabre Damage +10%
B)Melee attack +5%
S)Sabre Damage +10%
Str + 70
Agi + 70
Sabre Damage + 80%
Melee attack + 40%
Recommand for use
As you can see. This is for a Sabre user, because it add a bunch of damage of Sabre ,Melee, str and agi.
Some people will use Ire as their spaulder, because the suit effect are (10%melee, Str +10, Agi+10, Sabre Damage +20% and minus the effect of Dol's spaulder), which can be not as valuable as what Ire does(50%Hp, 30% melee). Either way is working great.
Dark Moon suit(Lv55)
Lv55, Wil:70, Int: 120
Dark Moon hood:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Dodge -30%
Dark Moon Robe:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Element hit +10
Dark Moon Mantle:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Magic atk +7%
Dark Moon Legging:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Magic atk +7%
Dark Moon Legging:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Element hit +10
Dark Moon Gloves:
MaxMp +10%
Dodge -5%
B)Element hit +10
B)Magic atk +7%
S)Magic atk +7%
Max Mp+60%
Element hit +80%
Magic atk + 63%
Dodge -55%
Recommand for use
Of course, this is a must have for element wizard (or any other jobs that do major atk on magic)
If wiz have high dodge than it will be overpower isn't it? so the dodge got cut in half :D
many people though foget(ignore) the attribution of Max Mp, the whole suit actually add lots of mp too. So any Magic attack major classes should use this suit as a final suit. I know its expensive....
Angel Set(lv54):
Lv54, Wil60, Int120.
Angel's hat:
Dodge +20
Curse resist+8
B)Max Hp+30%
B)Element resist+8
Angel's robe:
Max Mp +324
Max HP+10%
B)Curse resist+8
B)Element resist+8
S)Curse resist+10
Angel's trousers:
Max Mp +80
Max HP+10%
B)Curse resist+8
B)Element resist+8
S)Max HP+10%
Angel's shoes:
Max Mp +80
Max HP+10%
B)Curse resist+8
B)Element resist+8
S)Max HP+10%
Angel's Gloves:
Max Mp +80
Max HP+10%
B)Curse resist+8
B)Element resist+8
S)Element resist+10
Max Hp+80%
Max Mp+564
Element resist+50
Curse resist +50
Dodge +40
Recommand for use
This suit is for player who wants to have more HP,resist, and dodge, or just simply said you want to survive. We usually would use angle hat, because it gives 30% of Max Hp, but actually the whole angel set is not that bad as a intermediate level of gear.
Avenger set:
Requirement :
Lv30, Str66, Con 17.
Avenger's Cuirass:
Max Hp+160
B) Cri hit+3
B)axe atk +3%
S)Melee +100
Avenger's helm
Max Hp+40
B)Axe atk+3%
Avenger's Greaves
Max Hp+35
B)Axe atk+3%
S)Axe atk+3%
Avenger's Legging
Max Hp+40
B)Axe atk+3%
S)Axe atk+3%
Avenger's Pauldron
Max Hp+160
B)Axe atk+3%
S)Axe atk+3%
Avenger's Gauntlet
Max Hp+40
B)Axe atk+3%
S)Cri Hit +5
Recommand for melee class.
This is the most valuable and cheap suit for ANY melee class. Very important set that can help most of the melee class to Lv55.
Anoint set:
Requirement :
Lv25, 14Wil, 55Int.
Anoint Robe.
Max Mp+100
B)Max Mp+35
S)magic atk+5%
Anoint ring
Max MP -5%
B)magic atk+30
S)Max Mp +5%
Anoint tiara
Max MP -10%
Max Mp+35
B)magic atk+30
S)Max Mp +5%
Anoint Mantle
Max MP+ 55
B)Max mp -10%
S)Magic atk +5%
Anoint Gauntlet
Max mp +35
Max MP -10%
B)magic atk+30
S)Max Mp +5%
Anoint necklace
Max Mp -5%
S)Max Sp +5%
Anoint legging
Max Mp +35
Max MP -10%
B)magic atk+30
S) Max mp +5%
Anoint boots
Max MP -10%
Max Mp +30
B)magic atk+30
B)attack speed +7%
S)Max Mp +5%
Anoint earring
Max MP -5%
B)magic atk+30
S)Max Mp +5%
Total(bind_suit)(with one ring)
Max Mp +290
Magic atk +15%
Magic atk +180
Max Mp -30%
recommand for wizard.(lv25-35)
Suit effect is not full necessary, lack of one ring or one earring is ok.
Felheart set
Lv35, 20Wil, 77Int.
Felheart headdress
Max Mp+45
element hit +5
B)Curse hit +5
S)element hit+3
Felheart Robe
Max Mp+150
element hit +5
B)Curse hit +5
B)magic +1%
S)Max Mp +5%
Felheart legging
Max Mp+45
element hit +5
B)Curse hit +5
S)curse hit+3
Felheart mantle
Max Mp+120
element hit +5
B)Curse hit +5
S)element hit+3
Felheart Bracer
Max Mp+45
element hit +5
B)Curse hit +5
S)curse hit+3
fleheart Necklace
B)element hit +2
B)curse hit +2
S) max Mp+5%
Max mp +405
element hit+33
curse hit +28
Max mp+ 10%
magic atk+1%
This is suit for wizard(lv45->some lv55)
its cheap and very useful, complete is better, but not necessary.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Burning hand or Acid arrow? Deep summery plus icicle's use
Burning hand and Acid arrow are both wizard's skill, both add element hit and can stack.
but burning hand can hit cross, acid arrow can only hit single target.
lets list whats good and bad
Burning hand:
1. Cross hit
2. Add element hit
3. Can stack twice or third element hit effect.
4. low mp require
5. burning effect good for low level
1. It can ONLY stack twice(three when lv21) compare to the stack number of acid arrow
2. Burning effect don't have much effect fighting high level enemy.
Acid arrow:
1.Add lots of element hit( when skill lv high)
2. Can stack 5or 6 times when max in skill lv21(20)
3. low mp require
4. poison effect good for higher lv fighting.
1. Can only hit one target
2. poison effect don't working much on low lv mob
For summery I suggest:
If you fight Boss, mob more then pvp, or your element hit is low, or your HP is higher---->
Please learn Acid arrow.
Why?: Because enemy other then boss will be easily kill for wiz and other job, if you are the main attacker then your job is to kill boss quick. Acid arrow's element stack many rounds can help to max your damage(burning hand stacks 3 rounds), most hard boss can't be finish in two round.
Another way to use acid arrow is to stack >3 threes and cast thunderboom or fire rain to kill mob, the stack ele hit will max your attack of aoe attacking.
if you fight single pvp/group pvp or in the group boss kill but you are not main attacker----->
please learn burning hand.
Because burning hand's cross hit, in single pvp can hit both pet and owner, plus it add element hit, usually can deal lots of damage. if your opponent use reviv pet( a mutant zombie which have talent that reviv owner in battle), then burning hand can kill the pet too(people may ask why dont use thunderboom instead, my answer is that thunderboom cost too many mp and it doesn't add ele hit to boost damage(in lv20 thunderboom minus ele resist of enemy's but still < then burning hand's ele hit +20 in lv20.
Another thing, icicle, which is a skill not use in common.
This skill's effect is to minus self ele hit 50 but can hold enemy for 1 turn. Yes, sacrifice 50 ele hit but only have hold for 1 turn.
This can be use against people or mob who has less speed and low resist, and have High HP and high attack.
why? because you must hit it before your enemy moves(maybe he can oneshot you, and you cant kill it within one turn). and you need to be sure that your ele hit -50( at skill lv1) is not lesser then enemy's ele resist. The opponent's way to deal of this is to use fury as auto skill.
For example:
Spear warrior HP=15K, attack can hit you 6 K(cri), and speed slower then you, auto skill not fury.
then its your time to beat it. the warrior cant even move
thanks for reading my guide
but burning hand can hit cross, acid arrow can only hit single target.
lets list whats good and bad
Burning hand:
1. Cross hit
2. Add element hit
3. Can stack twice or third element hit effect.
4. low mp require
5. burning effect good for low level
1. It can ONLY stack twice(three when lv21) compare to the stack number of acid arrow
2. Burning effect don't have much effect fighting high level enemy.
Acid arrow:
1.Add lots of element hit( when skill lv high)
2. Can stack 5or 6 times when max in skill lv21(20)
3. low mp require
4. poison effect good for higher lv fighting.
1. Can only hit one target
2. poison effect don't working much on low lv mob
For summery I suggest:
If you fight Boss, mob more then pvp, or your element hit is low, or your HP is higher---->
Please learn Acid arrow.
Why?: Because enemy other then boss will be easily kill for wiz and other job, if you are the main attacker then your job is to kill boss quick. Acid arrow's element stack many rounds can help to max your damage(burning hand stacks 3 rounds), most hard boss can't be finish in two round.
Another way to use acid arrow is to stack >3 threes and cast thunderboom or fire rain to kill mob, the stack ele hit will max your attack of aoe attacking.
if you fight single pvp/group pvp or in the group boss kill but you are not main attacker----->
please learn burning hand.
Because burning hand's cross hit, in single pvp can hit both pet and owner, plus it add element hit, usually can deal lots of damage. if your opponent use reviv pet( a mutant zombie which have talent that reviv owner in battle), then burning hand can kill the pet too(people may ask why dont use thunderboom instead, my answer is that thunderboom cost too many mp and it doesn't add ele hit to boost damage(in lv20 thunderboom minus ele resist of enemy's but still < then burning hand's ele hit +20 in lv20.
Another thing, icicle, which is a skill not use in common.
This skill's effect is to minus self ele hit 50 but can hold enemy for 1 turn. Yes, sacrifice 50 ele hit but only have hold for 1 turn.
This can be use against people or mob who has less speed and low resist, and have High HP and high attack.
why? because you must hit it before your enemy moves(maybe he can oneshot you, and you cant kill it within one turn). and you need to be sure that your ele hit -50( at skill lv1) is not lesser then enemy's ele resist. The opponent's way to deal of this is to use fury as auto skill.
For example:
Spear warrior HP=15K, attack can hit you 6 K(cri), and speed slower then you, auto skill not fury.
then its your time to beat it. the warrior cant even move
thanks for reading my guide
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
How to wear on gears you can't wear because of States requirement?
Hi This is Moonlite again.
First. I believe many people already knows how this works, but since I got many pms that asking me "Wizard Using sword? Ok I have the sword, but it required 80agi and 80str. How can I wear it??"
Today's guide just want to explain how to wear a equipment that required the states you originally don't have.
I have three ways to achieve it.
(order: most expensive way(less time)--> least expensive (need more time))
First way- states reset card.
The easiest way to do it is to buy "states reset scroll" in the shop(2000silver), this is the way that makes you wear almost all wear(at your level ofcourse).(Gear states requirement > 100, or have two requirement >80)
-Procedure(example+how to do it)
First. You want to wear a gear require 88Int and 25Wil.But you are a Warrior with states point distribute to Str and Agi.
Second. You buy a states reset card from Shop. And use the card.
Third .Distribute your states point to int and Wil.
Fourth. Wear the gear,(if u have other gear require Int and/or Wil this is the time to wear it)
Fifth. Buy states reset card again, and change it back to your original status.
Cost= 400gold or 4000silver
Why good? : this way can overcome almost any requirement of about states point.
Why Bad?: Man, 400gold is not a piece of cake, the gear better have high value on you(value>>400gc) or I don't recommend it....
Second way-Pot+skills
This way works for most gear requirement< 90. And it is more convinence then the third way, SOMETIMES(for those can't change some their other gear) So this way we use States Potion, which can be buy from Shop, or quest, or some special event.These potion gives +Str40 or +Wil25 or +40agi..etc. And we use skills that add number of states point(+10str,+15Wil.+20%agi) How we combine it? First you need some silver, copper. To buy potions and skills. Also you need lots of SP (Skill Point). Priority. Skill>Pot(potion)
That means learn skill first, if you learn many skills but still can't make it, then use potion.
(this way ONLY works when drop skill fee is 0)
First. Learn skills from each job's institude(shaman,hunter,wizard,warrior, kkf). Learn only to lv10!!!
Shaman has +22Str,+22Agi skill(in lv55 city),+10str,+10agi,+10con. Skills
Wizard has +15Int +10Wil, +10Int Skills
Kkf has +12Agi,+12con,+12str,+12dex, +12Int+12Wil. Skills
Hunter has +10str,+10agi,+10con,+10Dex,+10wil,+10int Skills
Warrior has +12Wil,+10Con,+10agi+10dex Skills.
(please skill just learn to 10, learn your job's skill first, if you don't have enough SP just drop some unimportant skill(lv10's).
Buy/Get Potion that gives states point.
Game's store had 100silver/each +40str/con/Wil/int/dex/agi potion. You can also get +20/25 one from event or quest.
(caution, these potion ALL have time Limit, please drink when you need it, tip, if you don't go get in to fight, these effect still last. Another thing is potion's effect can not be stack.)
Put up the gear you want to wear, drop the skill you don't need and learn skills you need back.
Cost. It depend om skills you learn(copper). And pot you buy(silver)
Why good?: it is less expensive then reset card, plus you don't need to unequipe any other gear.
Why bad?: it takes time to drop/learn skills, plus it cost many copper. Everytime I change from wand to sword I need 1000k copper+10gc(100silver) to do it.
Third way- Gear+Skil(if needed)l+potion(if needed)
(Gear requirement<80) This time we add gear in. Why? Because some gear gives states point like +15Int, or +30 str. And if you can wear it easily, then it's a good way to use when changing gear.( Please save these gear that gives str/agi/Wil things like that in to storage) If gear's state point boost is not enough then use pot and skill. What gear I prefer to use? Ofcourse (powerful) ring/earing set, Why? Although it cost 600silvers to buy three of them(two rings and one earing) from twilight town. But it gives least 45 states point depend on which you are buying. It's a must buy thing for those people who need to often change gear.. Starlight(or twilight) pants I forgot that actual name is that but it can be buy from Nordic's lv20 city 150>silver, it's effect is +20Con
I can't think others sorry( I haven't use gear because I can't take off my current gear down) buy if you see gears that YOU CAN WEAR and add different states point you don't need, maybe save it for later.
There is no concrete procedure for this. Just put the gears(+states one) you prepare on and/or use skills/pot to wear the thing you want to wear.
Cost. It depends but if you prepare those cheap gears from long time ago or buying cheap from tp, then it is definitely the cheapest way.
Why good?: hey it works pretty well if u don't have much copper or silver(gc).
Why bad?: Arrr this takes longer time plus if you don't have those changeable gear prepared ahead of time.... It take a while to make it.
Ohh another thing I forgot to mention. If you have gem you don't need, you can socket on the changeable gear(+states) to make it more easier to wear others next time.(+20 con pants socket +1x3 gems to make it +23 con)
I know many player already knows this. But just want to help others who doesn't know it.
Again if you have question. Feel free to go to my blog
Or send me mail to Moonlite.
Name, empire, slogan are the same as the first post I posted. Thx
First. I believe many people already knows how this works, but since I got many pms that asking me "Wizard Using sword? Ok I have the sword, but it required 80agi and 80str. How can I wear it??"
Today's guide just want to explain how to wear a equipment that required the states you originally don't have.
I have three ways to achieve it.
(order: most expensive way(less time)--> least expensive (need more time))
First way- states reset card.
The easiest way to do it is to buy "states reset scroll" in the shop(2000silver), this is the way that makes you wear almost all wear(at your level ofcourse).(Gear states requirement > 100, or have two requirement >80)
-Procedure(example+how to do it)
First. You want to wear a gear require 88Int and 25Wil.But you are a Warrior with states point distribute to Str and Agi.
Second. You buy a states reset card from Shop. And use the card.
Third .Distribute your states point to int and Wil.
Fourth. Wear the gear,(if u have other gear require Int and/or Wil this is the time to wear it)
Fifth. Buy states reset card again, and change it back to your original status.
Cost= 400gold or 4000silver
Why good? : this way can overcome almost any requirement of about states point.
Why Bad?: Man, 400gold is not a piece of cake, the gear better have high value on you(value>>400gc) or I don't recommend it....
Second way-Pot+skills
This way works for most gear requirement< 90. And it is more convinence then the third way, SOMETIMES(for those can't change some their other gear) So this way we use States Potion, which can be buy from Shop, or quest, or some special event.These potion gives +Str40 or +Wil25 or +40agi..etc. And we use skills that add number of states point(+10str,+15Wil.+20%agi) How we combine it? First you need some silver, copper. To buy potions and skills. Also you need lots of SP (Skill Point). Priority. Skill>Pot(potion)
That means learn skill first, if you learn many skills but still can't make it, then use potion.
(this way ONLY works when drop skill fee is 0)
First. Learn skills from each job's institude(shaman,hunter,wizard,warrior, kkf). Learn only to lv10!!!
Shaman has +22Str,+22Agi skill(in lv55 city),+10str,+10agi,+10con. Skills
Wizard has +15Int +10Wil, +10Int Skills
Kkf has +12Agi,+12con,+12str,+12dex, +12Int+12Wil. Skills
Hunter has +10str,+10agi,+10con,+10Dex,+10wil,+10int Skills
Warrior has +12Wil,+10Con,+10agi+10dex Skills.
(please skill just learn to 10, learn your job's skill first, if you don't have enough SP just drop some unimportant skill(lv10's).
Buy/Get Potion that gives states point.
Game's store had 100silver/each +40str/con/Wil/int/dex/agi potion. You can also get +20/25 one from event or quest.
(caution, these potion ALL have time Limit, please drink when you need it, tip, if you don't go get in to fight, these effect still last. Another thing is potion's effect can not be stack.)
Put up the gear you want to wear, drop the skill you don't need and learn skills you need back.
Cost. It depend om skills you learn(copper). And pot you buy(silver)
Why good?: it is less expensive then reset card, plus you don't need to unequipe any other gear.
Why bad?: it takes time to drop/learn skills, plus it cost many copper. Everytime I change from wand to sword I need 1000k copper+10gc(100silver) to do it.
Third way- Gear+Skil(if needed)l+potion(if needed)
(Gear requirement<80) This time we add gear in. Why? Because some gear gives states point like +15Int, or +30 str. And if you can wear it easily, then it's a good way to use when changing gear.( Please save these gear that gives str/agi/Wil things like that in to storage) If gear's state point boost is not enough then use pot and skill. What gear I prefer to use? Ofcourse (powerful) ring/earing set, Why? Although it cost 600silvers to buy three of them(two rings and one earing) from twilight town. But it gives least 45 states point depend on which you are buying. It's a must buy thing for those people who need to often change gear.. Starlight(or twilight) pants I forgot that actual name is that but it can be buy from Nordic's lv20 city 150>silver, it's effect is +20Con
I can't think others sorry( I haven't use gear because I can't take off my current gear down) buy if you see gears that YOU CAN WEAR and add different states point you don't need, maybe save it for later.
There is no concrete procedure for this. Just put the gears(+states one) you prepare on and/or use skills/pot to wear the thing you want to wear.
Cost. It depends but if you prepare those cheap gears from long time ago or buying cheap from tp, then it is definitely the cheapest way.
Why good?: hey it works pretty well if u don't have much copper or silver(gc).
Why bad?: Arrr this takes longer time plus if you don't have those changeable gear prepared ahead of time.... It take a while to make it.
Ohh another thing I forgot to mention. If you have gem you don't need, you can socket on the changeable gear(+states) to make it more easier to wear others next time.(+20 con pants socket +1x3 gems to make it +23 con)
I know many player already knows this. But just want to help others who doesn't know it.
Again if you have question. Feel free to go to my blog
Or send me mail to Moonlite.
Name, empire, slogan are the same as the first post I posted. Thx
Monday, July 25, 2011
Wizard Guide plus Universal pet, gem, pvp guide
Hi This is Moonlite
Since I play wizard most of the time, so I plan to write up a guide for wizard…Ok.
But wait, there is more,
Part one through six is mainly about Wizard, But seven to nine is a universal Guide about Pet ,Gem and PvP.
Please Enjoy My Guide
"Part One"
What kind of attack do Wizard use???
Hmmm, Wizard uses Element Attack and Curse Attack.
Since I play wizard most of the time, so I plan to write up a guide for wizard…Ok.
But wait, there is more,
Part one through six is mainly about Wizard, But seven to nine is a universal Guide about Pet ,Gem and PvP.
Please Enjoy My Guide
"Part One"
What kind of attack do Wizard use???
Hmmm, Wizard uses Element Attack and Curse Attack.
For element attack the most important value is " Element Hit"
Different from Physical Hit, element hit does effect the damage of element magic spell.(1000physical hit and 500 physical hit has the same damage output.)
(Element attack depend on Magic attack and element Hit)
Different from Physical Hit, element hit does effect the damage of element magic spell.(1000physical hit and 500 physical hit has the same damage output.)
(Element attack depend on Magic attack and element Hit)
For curse attack, the most important thing is "curse Hit". Because in the attack of curse, all damage is depend on the %MaxHp of target. And the curse hit will be the factor to ensure "Hit or miss"
"Curse attack depend on Level of curse skill, and the curse hit"
"Park Two."
How can wizard ensure to perform magic(element/curse) on target?
"Curse attack depend on Level of curse skill, and the curse hit"
"Park Two."
How can wizard ensure to perform magic(element/curse) on target?
-There is a formula:(Your magic attack+skill's attack)X((your element hit-target's element resis)/100)= Final damage.
Beside those, if this part:(your element hit-target's element resis) is lower then 100, then you may miss your attack.
For example:
1. element hit=200, target element resis= 100, then your magic element spell can 100% hit on the target.
2. element hit=150, target element resis= 100, you have only 50% to hit it plus your magic will only cast 50% of original damage.
So from the example we can see that element hit is very very super important to "element Wizard"
-For curse wizard, the chance is the same,(your curse hit-target's curse resis), if the final number is greater then 100, then its 100% hit, If it is fewer then 100, then it is the % of your number, the different between element attack and curse attack is that when element Hit difference is <100 the damage will reduce, but curse attack still keep its power.
"Part Three."
Beside those, if this part:(your element hit-target's element resis) is lower then 100, then you may miss your attack.
For example:
1. element hit=200, target element resis= 100, then your magic element spell can 100% hit on the target.
2. element hit=150, target element resis= 100, you have only 50% to hit it plus your magic will only cast 50% of original damage.
So from the example we can see that element hit is very very super important to "element Wizard"
-For curse wizard, the chance is the same,(your curse hit-target's curse resis), if the final number is greater then 100, then its 100% hit, If it is fewer then 100, then it is the % of your number, the different between element attack and curse attack is that when element Hit difference is <100 the damage will reduce, but curse attack still keep its power.
"Part Three."
Hmmm so after knowing how both damage works lets working on how to build it :D
Element Wizard First
Three kind of build: All Wil,All Int, Half Int half Wil.
Let me say the good and bad for those kind of build.
All Wil: This kind of build has High Magic defence(Resis), Middle speed, low in damage.
All Int: This kind of build has High Magic attack, low magic defence, NO SPEED.
Half-Half: All middle, middle magic atk,speed, and magic def.
Three kind of build: All Wil,All Int, Half Int half Wil.
Let me say the good and bad for those kind of build.
All Wil: This kind of build has High Magic defence(Resis), Middle speed, low in damage.
All Int: This kind of build has High Magic attack, low magic defence, NO SPEED.
Half-Half: All middle, middle magic atk,speed, and magic def.
I prefer before Lv55 every magic should put their status point to Int, and little WIL. Why, if your skill didn't master to Lv20, maybe its hard to oneshot all monsters in one round. Little Wil will help you in speed, for example Lv53 Little Boars needs 250 speed.
The "must have skill" list below.
Mystery Lv(10-20)
Curse Accuracy lv20
Magic Learning lv20
elemental Mastery lv20
Wizard's Will lv20
Ancient Knowledge lv20
Advanced Magic Lv20
Wand Use lv20
Burning hand lv20(or Lv10)—–\
Acid Arrow Lv20(or lv10)——-/Chose one
Thunder Boom lv1
Mystery Lv(10-20)
Curse Accuracy lv20
Magic Learning lv20
elemental Mastery lv20
Wizard's Will lv20
Ancient Knowledge lv20
Advanced Magic Lv20
Wand Use lv20
Burning hand lv20(or Lv10)—–\
Acid Arrow Lv20(or lv10)——-/Chose one
Thunder Boom lv1
These Skill are depend on personal build.I would caption the skill.
-Mana tide totem Lv10
This is a interesting skill, the only auto-skill that add element hit 10 at lv10, also the effect can cast to all group. Warning: this skill takes up 2 slot of status bar in one round, may disturb other group member's buff.
-Mana tide totem Lv10
This is a interesting skill, the only auto-skill that add element hit 10 at lv10, also the effect can cast to all group. Warning: this skill takes up 2 slot of status bar in one round, may disturb other group member's buff.
-Pipemanship lv15 and Abyssal Fury lv15
These two skills are most the only skills add critical hit chance in passive skill. Pipemanship lv15 gives 36 and abyssal gives 15. If learn both skill the critical hit chance is 51%, often people would grab doom sword(+210 speed +50 critical) to make 101 critical, which means 100% critical hit.
These two skills are most the only skills add critical hit chance in passive skill. Pipemanship lv15 gives 36 and abyssal gives 15. If learn both skill the critical hit chance is 51%, often people would grab doom sword(+210 speed +50 critical) to make 101 critical, which means 100% critical hit.
-Energy Shield Lv13 Elemental Armor Lv10 Fox's Sly Lv10
Both skills add Magic defense, Energy shield add 51% magic/range defense and elemental armor add 15% of magic/melee defense.Fox's Sly add 10int and 10% of magic defense. If you need additional magic defense when fighting these are your skills.
Both skills add Magic defense, Energy shield add 51% magic/range defense and elemental armor add 15% of magic/melee defense.Fox's Sly add 10int and 10% of magic defense. If you need additional magic defense when fighting these are your skills.
-Iron BodyLv10 Power of Sun lv10 Mana Boost Lv10
These are skills that can help you to survive, which means increase the HP. Iron Body add Max Hp by 290 add Con 10%, Power of Sun lv10 gives 32% of Max HP and Con 5%, and mana boost gives 20% of maxHP.
These are skills that can help you to survive, which means increase the HP. Iron Body add Max Hp by 290 add Con 10%, Power of Sun lv10 gives 32% of Max HP and Con 5%, and mana boost gives 20% of maxHP.
-Fury lv1 icicle lv1 hiding lv1
These are survive skill too, Fury(auto-skill) gives u immune to hold,silence,chaos, but it will do(element Hit-50 and Hp-500) each round, so use with care. icicle is a attack skill which can Hit target plus hold for one round, but your element Hit will -50,plus if u are slower then the targer's speed then the hold effect won't help you.Last hiding, this skill can makes you immune to physical attack for two round, but this skill need 1000mp to cast at lv1, plus warrior's judgement, holy water, pet's purify can make break the effect.
These are survive skill too, Fury(auto-skill) gives u immune to hold,silence,chaos, but it will do(element Hit-50 and Hp-500) each round, so use with care. icicle is a attack skill which can Hit target plus hold for one round, but your element Hit will -50,plus if u are slower then the targer's speed then the hold effect won't help you.Last hiding, this skill can makes you immune to physical attack for two round, but this skill need 1000mp to cast at lv1, plus warrior's judgement, holy water, pet's purify can make break the effect.
-Quick thinking lv20
This is usually learn when u need speed, this skill gives 105 speed, just opional.
Please chose the skill carefully, think what kind of element wizard you want to build.
This is usually learn when u need speed, this skill gives 105 speed, just opional.
Please chose the skill carefully, think what kind of element wizard you want to build.
Ok, Curse wizard.
To make a successful Curse Wizard you either need super fast speed that curse target before target makes action, or make a defense like curse wizard that Have High Magic defense, high in Hp, and you need a loyal pet :D
So since curse attack doesn't involve Magic attack, so int eliminated.
Two kind: All Agi, to make it super fast.(speed 1500 up)
or half wil and con, or all wil
To make a successful Curse Wizard you either need super fast speed that curse target before target makes action, or make a defense like curse wizard that Have High Magic defense, high in Hp, and you need a loyal pet :D
So since curse attack doesn't involve Magic attack, so int eliminated.
Two kind: All Agi, to make it super fast.(speed 1500 up)
or half wil and con, or all wil
Since I only know the central idea of curse wizard and haven't play it yet, my skill suggestion and weapon will be disputatious. I would add it if i have more invest in it.
"Part Four"
"Part Four"
What kind of Wizard(on equipment)
Why some wizard uses sword+shield and why some use wand? Hmm let me explain .
Sword+shield:Faster(most single-hand sword add speed, More Hp(shield add Hp) and higher resis(sometimes,depend on the sword and shield), but compare to wand wizard it lack in element hit and magic attack.
Wand: High in element Hit and Magic Attack. low in other factor.
Why some wizard uses sword+shield and why some use wand? Hmm let me explain .
Sword+shield:Faster(most single-hand sword add speed, More Hp(shield add Hp) and higher resis(sometimes,depend on the sword and shield), but compare to wand wizard it lack in element hit and magic attack.
Wand: High in element Hit and Magic Attack. low in other factor.
which weapon would I prefer to use??
Wand user: if you have many element hit gem socket(or element hit higher then 200) i prefer Rastlin's judgement wand(add 10% of base element hit), if want Higher magic attack I think sorrow wand is good too.It add 40%of magic attack and 15element hit.
Wand user: if you have many element hit gem socket(or element hit higher then 200) i prefer Rastlin's judgement wand(add 10% of base element hit), if want Higher magic attack I think sorrow wand is good too.It add 40%of magic attack and 15element hit.
Sword+Shield user:
Sword:If you learn pipemanship lv15 and abyssal fury lv15 you can try using Doom Sword(+50Critical, +210 Speed). If you want to have higher magic attack you can try Nightmare sword( which is the weapon I am using now), it gives +324Attack speed, Max Hp+300, Curse resist+35, Magic attack +30%.
Shield:actually it depends on what u want, whats your weakness, You can use Athena'silver shield for Hp,Wil,and Mp. Poseidon's shield for Hp and extra MP boost.Krato's sun shield for Hp and defense boost.
"Part Five"
Sword:If you learn pipemanship lv15 and abyssal fury lv15 you can try using Doom Sword(+50Critical, +210 Speed). If you want to have higher magic attack you can try Nightmare sword( which is the weapon I am using now), it gives +324Attack speed, Max Hp+300, Curse resist+35, Magic attack +30%.
Shield:actually it depends on what u want, whats your weakness, You can use Athena'silver shield for Hp,Wil,and Mp. Poseidon's shield for Hp and extra MP boost.Krato's sun shield for Hp and defense boost.
"Part Five"
Some wizard player may think that my guide is kind of complecated, yes it is hard to understand some of the detail, but if you play wizard you must know it. Now I give some guide on leveling.
Lv1-26 during this time please finish ALL Four(Eastland,Nordic,atlantis,maya) mainline quest. ofcourse those quest which gives u 10k or 28k exp is great, but you need to get familiar to this game by doing mission and fight monsters.
Lv26-32 This stage please go to Rome Hill to fight those spider and zombies, you must kill all monster in one round or your hp might turn 0 before next turn.(damage needed 1k+)
Lv32-36 Here you can go to Amenti Grave which is only one map away from Rome Hill, just like previous hint, MUST kill them in one turn.(damage needed1.3k+)
Lv36-48 please go to Dark Fastness set return point and go to the top map to kill wolve, same here, kill all mob in one turn.(damage needed 1.6+, some monster need 1.8k+)
Lv48-55 Last stage. Go to peach blossom village, and set reborn point here. The monster we are killing here is Little boars, you need at least element hit 200 and the damage needed is 2.1k( not magic attack))
05/2012 update:
lv55-Lv60 you can sure stay at boar and Lv like crazy. But if you have enough stats, you can challenge the DRAGON's CAVE. Wizard please use magic guard and farm happily.(well, 270 ele hit, 2000+magic attack.)
Rage please take a ele block pet and pick RED DRAGON ONLY.
Melee please have 300+ hit rate, 14000 atk(around there), and atleast 150 speed. 100cri. Bring ele block pet.
"Part Six"
So thats the main suit for every stage?
Lv25--->Lv35 Anoint Suit, you really don't need to get every part, especially someone may charge specific part more expensive then other part.(dont have ring or neck or earing its OK)
So thats the main suit for every stage?
Lv25--->Lv35 Anoint Suit, you really don't need to get every part, especially someone may charge specific part more expensive then other part.(dont have ring or neck or earing its OK)
Lv35—>Lv45 Felheart suit, same here, you dont have to get every part of suit, lack of one or two part its totally fine.Lv45—>Lv55 you can wear Poseidon Ring,necklace, and earing. keep your Felheart dont change(you can use dark wing mantle, nordic helm), for weapon you can use rastlin's judgement wand, or sword-shield red lotus+its suit shield for element hit boost.
Lv55. NO doubt, the final "Suit" for element wizard is Dark Moon Suit, and the problem is that every part of this suit=300gc-1500gc or higher)
so I have another plan for people who dont want to wear and can't afford it.
Lv55. NO doubt, the final "Suit" for element wizard is Dark Moon Suit, and the problem is that every part of this suit=300gc-1500gc or higher)
so I have another plan for people who dont want to wear and can't afford it.
Cheap plan:
Head=Poseidon's helm or mirage hat
Pauldron= enhanced Dark Wing mantle
Clothes:Mirage robe, or Fairy hat+ fairy praise(this one +30int/Wil but its expensive…..)
Bracer: Azael's gauntle(getting cheap)
Amulet:Wisdon hero's certificate( from Dragon palace instance's final reward)
Leg: this one i really don't know a cheap and good one, use felheart or oracle leg.
Boot: hmmm use shadow blaze boot
Neck-Earing-Ring= Poseidon's
Head=Poseidon's helm or mirage hat
Pauldron= enhanced Dark Wing mantle
Clothes:Mirage robe, or Fairy hat+ fairy praise(this one +30int/Wil but its expensive…..)
Bracer: Azael's gauntle(getting cheap)
Amulet:Wisdon hero's certificate( from Dragon palace instance's final reward)
Leg: this one i really don't know a cheap and good one, use felheart or oracle leg.
Boot: hmmm use shadow blaze boot
Neck-Earing-Ring= Poseidon's
These are really really cheap build(gear base)
And I have a expensive build:
Head= Dark moon helm
Pauldron= Dark moon mantle
Clothes: Dark moon Robe
Bracer:Dark Moon bracer
Amulet:Azael's soul
Leg: Dark Moon legging
Boot: Dark Moon boot
Neck-Earing-Ring= Aleph's ring/earing/necklace or INT/WIL strengthen set
And I have a expensive build:
Head= Dark moon helm
Pauldron= Dark moon mantle
Clothes: Dark moon Robe
Bracer:Dark Moon bracer
Amulet:Azael's soul
Leg: Dark Moon legging
Boot: Dark Moon boot
Neck-Earing-Ring= Aleph's ring/earing/necklace or INT/WIL strengthen set
And here is the Super luxury build
Head= Envy hat
Pauldron= Dark Moon's mantle, or enhanced dark wing mantle
Clothes: Envy robe
Bracer: MJ's white glove(LV55)
Amulet: Azael's Soul
Leg: Dark Moon legging
Boot: Dark Moon legging
Neck-Earing-Ring= Envy Earing, Shaman's necklace.INT/WIL strengthen set
—————————————————————————————————————————————————-"Part Seven:(Universal guide)"
Socket gem is alway alway how bad and how expensive it will cost when you get the idea wrong.
Every part of gear can socket 20 gem(NEVER SEEM ANYONE IN MY LIFE GOT 20 SOCKET), P.S. some gear can't be socketed.
according to official information the chance of socketing gem after 3 is 50%. That means YOU BETTER SOCKET ALL YOUR GEAR WITH SOCKET 3 BEFORE YOU GO ON +4. Its Not hard to go to +4 or +5 when you feel good, but there is still somebody would get all break for +4.(Don't worrie, chill and move on, most of player suffer that anger when gem break)
Socket gem is alway alway how bad and how expensive it will cost when you get the idea wrong.
Every part of gear can socket 20 gem(NEVER SEEM ANYONE IN MY LIFE GOT 20 SOCKET), P.S. some gear can't be socketed.
according to official information the chance of socketing gem after 3 is 50%. That means YOU BETTER SOCKET ALL YOUR GEAR WITH SOCKET 3 BEFORE YOU GO ON +4. Its Not hard to go to +4 or +5 when you feel good, but there is still somebody would get all break for +4.(Don't worrie, chill and move on, most of player suffer that anger when gem break)
For Wizard I would say gem either INT, WIl or Element/ Curse HIT.(optional Hp/Mp gem)
—-!!Remember, when gem can replace the need of skill, skills should learn for other purpose, for example I don't recommend learning Warrior's Wil, why? First It cast double skill point, second I can socket WIL and INT gem why do i need to waste on Skill point!!!—-
—-!!Another thing, when socket, Is +2gem better or +3gem better?? I would say +3. Why? Although +3's price is way higher then +2(50silver) but think about this–> if you want a gear with socket gives +14 INT, using +2 gem need to socket 7(+14int), when +3 only need socket 5(+15int). In the chance matter I would chose +3, obviously.
"Part Eight.(Universal part)"
For Wizard I would say gem either INT, WIl or Element/ Curse HIT.(optional Hp/Mp gem)
—-!!Remember, when gem can replace the need of skill, skills should learn for other purpose, for example I don't recommend learning Warrior's Wil, why? First It cast double skill point, second I can socket WIL and INT gem why do i need to waste on Skill point!!!—-
—-!!Another thing, when socket, Is +2gem better or +3gem better?? I would say +3. Why? Although +3's price is way higher then +2(50silver) but think about this–> if you want a gear with socket gives +14 INT, using +2 gem need to socket 7(+14int), when +3 only need socket 5(+15int). In the chance matter I would chose +3, obviously.
"Part Eight.(Universal part)"
Ohh Yaaa. Pets part.
Pets are good helper that would help anyone in this game.(That means its a Universal guide again:D)
Pets are good helper that would help anyone in this game.(That means its a Universal guide again:D)
Everyone wants a Epic pet right? WRONG. some pet are way more precious then epic pet.
lets talk purpose of pet.
1.Protect Master
2.Help assist
3.Attack targets
1.Protect Master
2.Help assist
3.Attack targets
and we better now something first
Pet can learn limited number of skills
Pet can learn limited number of skills
Break it down.
1.protect master
-pet can learn Auto-skill that protect master form(melee/range/Magic/Curse) INDIVIDUALLY. So you can have Four pet that deal with different situation.
Against melee attack=fairy, Azeal pet, Pig,Pets have hp>5000 dodge>250,
Against Range attack=Fairy, Azeal pet
Against Magic attack=Azeal pet,(young)Red dragon, element(flash),Pink pig.
-When I mean assist that equals pet have either play assist+tank or assist.Its kind of hard to build assist+attack.
Secondary Attack—-melee buff
Target————-range buff
Purify————The best assist skill for pet!! I love this skill when my fairy learns it and use for pvp. When Lv18 the range is cross.
-I don't look good as pet to do attack job, although it can still it 3k,4k but either no speed or low on survive.
Melee attacker:Golden sphiex,legend lobo———-use slam.
Range:Fairy,zombie————-use barrage
Magic:Fire element.————use fire spread
For Wizard I prefer to bring two pet. One fairy with melee block and One element with element/curse block.
"Part Nine.—PvP"
1.protect master
-pet can learn Auto-skill that protect master form(melee/range/Magic/Curse) INDIVIDUALLY. So you can have Four pet that deal with different situation.
Against melee attack=fairy, Azeal pet, Pig,Pets have hp>5000 dodge>250,
Against Range attack=Fairy, Azeal pet
Against Magic attack=Azeal pet,(young)Red dragon, element(flash),Pink pig.
-When I mean assist that equals pet have either play assist+tank or assist.Its kind of hard to build assist+attack.
Secondary Attack—-melee buff
Target————-range buff
Purify————The best assist skill for pet!! I love this skill when my fairy learns it and use for pvp. When Lv18 the range is cross.
-I don't look good as pet to do attack job, although it can still it 3k,4k but either no speed or low on survive.
Melee attacker:Golden sphiex,legend lobo———-use slam.
Range:Fairy,zombie————-use barrage
Magic:Fire element.————use fire spread
For Wizard I prefer to bring two pet. One fairy with melee block and One element with element/curse block.
"Part Nine.—PvP"
PvP makes people excited, red face, shouting bad word all over the chat. Is it really interesting??
Well My self love pvp just for friendly pvp—challange and Empire War pvp. I don't get it why killing and build hatred has anything good.
PvP has two important factor plus one pet factor. Those two are speed and attack(silence,hold,chaos).
Once you control those three you can win the fight.
How is that work?
1.speed, If you know that your opponent will be kill(oneshot) by you, you need to try to have higher speed, or you need to do lower opponent's speed.
2.Attack, It is important when your speed and pet are good, other wise its the least importment factor.Ofcourse if your target has regen HP but your attack power is lesser then its regen then you can't win.
3.Pet~, The most flexable factor, Trying block or assist will change the end.
Well My self love pvp just for friendly pvp—challange and Empire War pvp. I don't get it why killing and build hatred has anything good.
PvP has two important factor plus one pet factor. Those two are speed and attack(silence,hold,chaos).
Once you control those three you can win the fight.
How is that work?
1.speed, If you know that your opponent will be kill(oneshot) by you, you need to try to have higher speed, or you need to do lower opponent's speed.
2.Attack, It is important when your speed and pet are good, other wise its the least importment factor.Ofcourse if your target has regen HP but your attack power is lesser then its regen then you can't win.
3.Pet~, The most flexable factor, Trying block or assist will change the end.
Lets see what can we do if opponent have….
1.Your opponent use Magic Guard/Invincble/Hiding—->please use pet's purify soul(caution, your pet need to be faster then you)
2.your opponent has magic defense pet and you can't beat it—->please bring a melee pet to finish the pet(its kind of hard since melee pet can't hit more then 4k) are slower and your opponent maybe kill you in one turn——>Raise your HP or bring a pet to block.
4.You are faster but cant kill your opponent in one turn, if they attack you will die—->Wizard please use icicle, melee class use chaos or dragon hammar.
5.your opponent has fury on it, and you can't kill him in one turn.—->Use pet
Just use your various pet and skills to overcome the problem :D
1.Your opponent use Magic Guard/Invincble/Hiding—->please use pet's purify soul(caution, your pet need to be faster then you)
2.your opponent has magic defense pet and you can't beat it—->please bring a melee pet to finish the pet(its kind of hard since melee pet can't hit more then 4k) are slower and your opponent maybe kill you in one turn——>Raise your HP or bring a pet to block.
4.You are faster but cant kill your opponent in one turn, if they attack you will die—->Wizard please use icicle, melee class use chaos or dragon hammar.
5.your opponent has fury on it, and you can't kill him in one turn.—->Use pet
Just use your various pet and skills to overcome the problem :D
"Part Ten:Ending"
This is the end of my guide. I really likes this game, and I enjoy it. This is only a game, so why people have to build hatred on others and make themself angry or complain those thing already happened? No one is invincible in here, everything has its way of working, limit people pvp cant use pet? can't use this can't use that, then why just don't pvp. There is reason why Lakoo create that item,
If I MoonLite am online, welcome to ask me question, or pvp me(please ask first,except in empire war). If I am not avaliable or afk or busy, please send me a mail to notice me, I will try to help.
If I MoonLite am online, welcome to ask me question, or pvp me(please ask first,except in empire war). If I am not avaliable or afk or busy, please send me a mail to notice me, I will try to help.
People often asks me why I am staying in my empire, I always reply that I have friends there and if I move to another empire then I have to build my relation agin,plus I think no one has the right to force me. but I don't want to find trouble too. Hope everyone learn something and enjoy the game :D
Pet Guide
Hi guys. I am moonlie again, Here is the part people asked me all the time. "How can u determine a pet has good growth or not" so I prepare to post this to teach.
Character name and empire name and slogan are all the same as the previous post
Pet has several name people need to get familiar to.
How does pet's grow?
-Pet have two chances of increase one states(all Str. Con. Dex. Agi. Wil. Int). What mean when your pet with(76% of growthing rate of agi) level one turn into level two.
How does pet's grow?
-Pet have two chances of increase one states(all Str. Con. Dex. Agi. Wil. Int). What mean when your pet with(76% of growthing rate of agi) level one turn into level two.
Your pet will have ((0.76x0.76)x100)% chances to get those two points. While u can lost one point or ((0.34x0.34)x100)% to get none agi in this level.
So how actually can you test if your pet has a good growth? Look below
There is a way to calculate your pet's averge final states.
Formula= ((((pet's level now-pet's initial level)X2)x(the growth rate of pet's states you want to calculate))+initial base states point)= final base states point.
It seems hard to understand?
Let me write an example:
(Lv55 fairy pet, agi growth rate 76% with base initial agi 8)
Start-> (((55-1)x2)x0.76)+8)=((108X0.76)+8)=90.08
That means a AVERGE fairy pet should have base agi of 90 at level of lv55. If it is below that mean undersaverge, in above means superior.
The formula provide upon apply to any pet and at time. But this just test if pet's states is "normal" or "good"
Now I tell how to pick pet, please Contiune reading
initial level(IL): it means the level you get from the gem, not the level you trade. As a growth factor, I do not prefer leveling any not-lv1 pet, why??? Because those pet with initial level 5,10,15,20,25 have terrible initial base states, for example:( a initial level 25 fairy has a initial base agi of 20, how terrible is that compare to lv1 fairy starts at lv1(Initial base agi 8)?
Well as my fomula in the beginning, we can see below(I pretend lv25 pet level from lv1-25,just want to show you why don't pick pet's other then lv1)
Formula of fairy(lv1 level to lv25)= ((((25-1)x2)x0.76)+8)=44.48
Initial base states of fairy(starts at lv25)=20
Now you see how terrible is that? The 44.48 is just a average, lucky people can go beyond. Touch luck people may have lower.
Formula of fairy(lv1 level to lv25)= ((((25-1)x2)x0.76)+8)=44.48
Initial base states of fairy(starts at lv25)=20
Now you see how terrible is that? The 44.48 is just a average, lucky people can go beyond. Touch luck people may have lower.
Now I give a way to pick pet's other people are selling. Plus this is the way to look at the Pet's ACTUAL GROWTH RATE.
If the pet is in Trade Post, tap the pet but don't view it, now it shows you the final base states number(which is initial base number+the number of pet grow, caution this not include skill's so don't worrie).
(initial base states can be know by "tap view the pet,and the BASE number(the smaller word number) showing is the initial base states )
Formula= (((final base state)-the pet's initial base number)/(pet's current level-pet's initial level)x2)= the ACTUAL growth rate of the pet
Need a example? Sure.
Lv55 pet(initial level 1) fianl base states agi =96
Formula starts->>
((96-8)/((55-1)x2))=(88/108)x100% =81.48%
(That's my fairy's states which is way higher then its 72or74% growth rate)
Now, when others are selling pet and they gear the pet. How can you check by not knowing the final base states??
Just need to final base number from FINAL States number(this one don't have the word base, which means it is the number you see on pet's viewing page, yes the larger size number). How can we find out? First need to know how is final states number compose of.
Final states number=(Initial base states+the states pet gain by leveling+the states add from SKILL(remember it's actual point add, not by %one))x(the skill that add %)
Just need to final base number from FINAL States number(this one don't have the word base, which means it is the number you see on pet's viewing page, yes the larger size number). How can we find out? First need to know how is final states number compose of.
Final states number=(Initial base states+the states pet gain by leveling+the states add from SKILL(remember it's actual point add, not by %one))x(the skill that add %)
Example to prove
Lv55 fairy(IL1) initial base Agi=8 final initial base states=96. has final Agi of 231. Learned +54agi and +54%agi skills.(growthed agi=96-8=88)
Prove the formula–>>
So if you see a pet have 250 Str final and the pet learn +54str +54%str skill just do reverse
(reverse)Formula start->
So the initial states str is 108(initial base+growthed str)
Lv55 fairy(IL1) initial base Agi=8 final initial base states=96. has final Agi of 231. Learned +54agi and +54%agi skills.(growthed agi=96-8=88)
Prove the formula–>>
So if you see a pet have 250 Str final and the pet learn +54str +54%str skill just do reverse
(reverse)Formula start->
So the initial states str is 108(initial base+growthed str)
How is that? Everyone understand now how to chose pet? I often see pets in Trade post with FULL Lv20 skill and selling for very expensive price, and after I do some math I just see a terrible growth pet who learn perfect skills. I didn't it's not good. People dont aspire Perfect pet(Or super pet) may not care.
I like to dig deep in this game and find many interesting things. I will make a website where people can see me post guide like this(and the previous Wizard&Universal Ultimate guide).
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